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NOVA============14/01/2003Panay, The Philippines ============

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Panay, The Philippines

"What the fuck happened?" I seethe, striding over with Lisa to where North is stood. It's only now that I realise Leo is stood right next to him; holding some man down with his boot pressed between his shoulder blades.

"Hijack." He murmurs, glancing at me in his peripheral. My eyebrows furrow as I glimpse down at the man, kneeling to his level.

"You're coming with us, you piece of shit. You best fucking believe we're wringing you of every last drop of information." I hiss, grabbing the back of his hair and forcing his head upwards.

The bastard spits at me. I grimace, wiping the splat of saliva from my face as Leo suddenly kicks his head back into the ground with fury.

"We lost Rhys." North sighs solemnly as a frown twists onto my face. Rhys was a good guy.

"Damn it." I mumble, shaking my head and standing back upright.

"How did you know we were here?" Leo asks, gazing down at me fully this time instead of with a side eye.

"Marcus radioed us as soon as things started turning to shit for you guys. We-"


I halt my words and glance backwards when I hear the familiar voice of Tara. She comes jogging over and gives me a hug immediately.

"I'm so relieved to see you right now. The whole transportation plan got fucked up big time." She mumbles, pulling away from the hug.

"I'm relieved that one of them is alive, gives us a good opportunity to get some intel."

Tara nods in agreement. Lisa is herding some of the groups into the SUV's, although it's going to be significantly more cramped since one is now laying in a goddamn ditch.

"What about the other drivers?" I ask nobody in particular, getting an answer from North.

"We don't think they're in on it, but they're coming with us anyway. Better to be safe than sorry after this fucking palaver." He grimaces, pinching between his eyebrows.

"And Rhys' body?"

The question sparks an intense silence as they all glance at each other. Leo is the first one to break it.

"We're bringing him to the base, nobody gets left behind." He says affirmatively. I turn around and see two men who I haven't met pulling his body from the car, opening up the trunk to put him in. Not the most respectful fucking sight to see, although the only other option is for him to be sprawled across us. I get a glimpse of the back of his head; or lack of.

I nod slightly, looking back down at the terrorist, who is hopefully the pathway to the hostages. Leo yanks him up to his feet aggressively, leading him to one of the SUV's that is still in shape. I hop back into the drivers seat, earning a confused look from him.

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