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NOVA============26/01/2003Panay, The Philippines============

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Panay, The Philippines

"It's been three days, I feel absolutely fine. Why do I have to stay in here?" I groan, perched on the edge of the bed like the goddamn patient I have been for the past 72 hours.

"Because you nearly died, maybe?" Leo scoffs, shaking his head as Rosa checks my blood pressure.

"Well, I'm not dead, believe it or not. I'm actually alive and well," I start, stretching my arms over my head.

Leo raises his eyebrows and glances at Rosa. "What do you think? Should she be getting back to normality now?"

Rosa shrugs slightly, "it all depends on how well you feel, Nova. Do you feel like you've got the strength to get back to your usual work?"

I don't hesitate to nod my head. It's true, I feel a whole lot fucking better.

Physically, not mentally.

Mentally, I'm fucking terrified. I was practically dead. I thought that when I closed my eyes, it was going to be the final time I ever saw the light of day again.

I've never been one to be scared; but knowing that somebody I trusted so damn much would try to kill me, it's fucked me up a little.

"What do you remember?" Leo asks quietly.

He's been itching to ask this question from the moment I woke up, I can tell.

"Almost dying," I snort, trying to make the shitty situation a little less grim.

He's definitely not amused nor impressed as he furrows his eyebrows, folding both arms across his broad chest. My throat tenses a little as I watch his forearms bulge. Nope. Not starting that.

"You're not funny, Shields," he mumbles, shaking his head in disapproval.

"It wasn't a joke, that's all I remember. The bastard said something about wanting to avenge his brother; and that he wanted me out of the picture before I figured out he was the insider. Wasn't a great birthday." I shrug, because that is literally the last thing I remember.

"How the fuck did he manage to drug you? Did he inject you with something?" Leo urges an answer, stepping forward slightly. The whites of his knuckles surfacing.

"The water bottles. I decided it was a great idea to chug the whole thing, of course I wasn't expecting it to be laced with drugs." I sigh frustratedly.

I feel this is somewhat my fault, like I should've been more cautious. I've had my own back my whole entire life, and nearly got taken out that easily. In the drop of a hat.

"I should have realised something was wrong as soon as he told Tara she couldn't come with us. His answer just seemed so convincing," I mumble, looking down at my knees.

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