Chapter Thirty

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I leave my mother to finish getting dressed to go find Prince Sam, telling the Queen that I would be back shortly. She said for me to be in the throne room by high noon, but until then she merely bid me stay inside.

  I find Sam in the castles massive library, sitting with Lance near the large fireplace. He has a book in his hands and several more closed and stacked near his feet. He is still in his clothes from last night's celebration, and his dark hair is a mess.

I never took him for much of a reader.

The room is typically unoccupied, save for the occasional scholar, so I find no surprise that we are alone now.

I come here sometimes just to think and sit by the fire in a comfortable chair, but I don't often give myself much time for reading; I would much rather spend my spare time with Lasreal.

The heavy feet of my Guards are what makes the men look up, and Lance scrambles to his feet, his face going pale. He gives a hasty bow before stepping over the miniature book towers to me.

"Lyra, are- how are you feeling?" His hair and uniform are disheveled, and he has dark half circles under both of his eyes. It looks like he hadn't slept at all.

"I am well. I am here to speak with Prince Sam. Alone." I say stiffly, looking at Sam pointedly.

He hadn't gotten up when I entered, and hardly lifts his head now as he continues reading.

Lance raises his brows in concern as he looks at me, but doesn't say anything else.

I can tell that my clipped words stung him and I know that he had been up, wringing his hands with concern for my health. I know that he still cares for me. I still care about him too, but he is no longer my subject, and will be leaving here soon enough so I see no point in giving him hope were there is none. He may never be released from his services, and it was foolish of him to offer them if he wished to return here. I already feel our bond faltering. 

I clear my throat and walk passed Lance to Sam, who glances up at me before looking back down. I am about to get impatient when he marks his page and closes the cover of the book.

When he looks up, I am surprised to find sleepless marks on his person as well, indented with purple poison under his green eyes. He has a small amount of dark stubble forming around his jaw, and he scratches it now absently.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He says, stretching his legs out and putting his arms behind his head.

"Its a private matter." I say, staring down at him as Lance slinks over to the Prince.

Sam sighs and stands up, arching his back like he hasn't been on his feet in a while. "Alright. Were would you presume we hold this conversation? We could go for a ride, or- "

I silence him with a shake of my head. "No. I am to stay in doors only, and if it wasn't evident enough on the trip here, my beast doesn't fancy yours very much. "

Sam gives a slight, crooked smile." I don't think your beast fancies anything, except for possibly you. "

I think that was a compliment, but ignore it. "We should stay here and talk- alone." I add, casting my Guard a look behind my shoulder. "It's the most private place in the castle, no one comes in here. "

Camisêal looks unsure, but nods reluctantly. "As you wish. Call us if you need anything." He says, bowing and steping out, the other two Guards following.

Prince Sam keeps his gaze on mine as he waves Lance away.

When the doors shuts, Sam folds his arms in front of him and raises an eyebrow questioningly.
"Alright, Sam." I say, wanting to cut right to the chase. "I'm going to be blunt. Why did you let me lie yesterday? "

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