Chapter Seventeen

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Lyra's POV

I wake my company in the pale morning light. I had slept little last night after my conversation with Kaladin, though we had both lain awake for hours afterword, neither of us spoke again.

I cast a glance over the ashes of our fire at the cousins, and weigh the stone in my hand thoughtfully. I toss it in between them, and it skids across the stones, sending them all a clatter. They wake with a start, then seeing me across from them, look at each other and haul to their feet.

We eat our breakfast and pack up our things, fill our flasks, and a half an hour later we are on through the woods again.

Today, the king's dogs ride together at the middle of our company, between Kaladin, who is leading as always, and the siblings behind him. Jed and I take up the rear, and watch the two in front of us carefully.

Jed casts a glance at me, but I don't pay any attention to it, as I am occupied speaking with Lance again. I tell him about what happened last night that had startled me, and then we continue with our conversation as it was.

So, what happens if our companies run into each other? I ask, eyes staring, unseeing into Moriar's back.

There is a moments pause before he answers. Do what you must.

I know that he means do what I think is right, and what won't blow my cover.

You might get hurt. I argue.

If it keeps you from danger, so be it.

I swallow. I don't know if I can do this. What if they expect me to be the one to let my arrow fly?

He is silent for a while. I will do what I can to assure that doesn't happen. I won't let your mark hit him.


"You've been distracted." I look over at Jed, who brings his mount as close to Lasreal as the gelding would allow. Jed's face laced with concern.

I smile, hoping to distract him from any questioning. "Sorry, just thinking."

The look he gives me says he knows what must have been worrying me, but he says nothing, instead casting a glare at Grander, who had glanced back at us curiously.

Something makes Lasreal stop suddenly and tense up, and he snorts nervously as he surveys our surroundings.

Feeling his uneasiness, I send a soft whistle to the rest of the company and they stop as well.

Kaladin walks his mount over. "What is it?" He asks in a low whisper, and I raise a hand to cut him off, shaking my head in an answer. I hold up a closed fist to give a sign of silence to the others.

A few more beats of silence pass before an arrow whistles passed my face, grazing my cheek.

Las tosses his head and rears up, and I reach for my bow that is strapped to the saddle.

By the time Lasreal's hooves hit the ground again, I have my weapon strung and aimed at the trees in the direction of the assailant.

Several more arrows fly out of the thick wood at ones, and I let an arrow back in return, expertly notching another.

Syl and Moriar also have their bows strung, and the others, including Kaladin, have their swords drawn.

Shadows dart between trees and I catch a flash of silver as another arrow flies, glinting in the sun that trickles through the tree tops.

"Oi!" Adolin exclaims as it whooshes passed me, a dull thud signifying that it had hit its mark.

Of course I am worried about him, but I don't dare take my eyes from the tree line. What the hell is going on?

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