Chapter Sixteen

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The first night, we stay near a river that snakes through the thick wood. We don't stay on the banks, but not so far that we can't have fresh water at hand.

I drag my saddle close to Jed and the others, still highly untrusting of the king's dogs.

The cousins share a look before drawing their cloaks nearer, and continue to chew on the bread that they brought with them.

While my party watches the others with contempt, they also drag out their freshly stocked rations for an unsatisfactory supper.

I go to Lasreal who waits impatiently, as I had commanded him to wait, and walk him to the water to let him drink.

He tugs eagerly at the bit, delicate nostrils flaring with his sable ears pricked forward excitedly.

Ones he dips his head to the water, he skims his lower lip over the surface, an realizing that it isn't salty ocean water, (That water beasts like to drink) he tosses his head and pins his ears against his skull. Displeased, he gives a small squeal, and I feel his disagreement at the corner of my mind.

"Oh get over it, it won't kill you just drink it!" I hiss in a hushed tone, glancing behind us to make sure that no one had noticed my beasts strangeness.


Over the fire and behind the cousins, I have a clear shot of the bank of the other side of the water, and if I turn my head a little, I can see to the outskirts of the woods.

Sleeping on rocks doesn't sound terribly appealing, but I suppose it could be worse. And besides, I don't foresee any of us sleeping much tonight, as both parties are very weary of one another yet.


Eventually the soft snores of both my party, and the king's men mix with the sounds of wild creatures of the night.

I lay awake on my back, one arm resting behind my head, the other laying on my sword hilt next to me.

Looking over, I see that Jed is indeed asleep as well, though he tried to stay awake with me to keep an eye on the dogs, but a day of riding is exhausting and his heavy lids prevailed.

I roll my head back to look up at the sky, and watch them for a long minute before closing my eyes.

Taking a deep, quiet breath, I prepare myself for what had been pestering my mind since we spoke to Alphonse.

I find Lance's mind link lingering on the fringes of mine, meaning that it had been pending. He had been waiting patiently to hear from me, so I push to open it.

He responds immediately. It's about due time. Are you well? How is your arm?

I swallow, and get right to the point. I am supposed to be hunting you down. Your party I should say, I have a hit to carry out on the Prince.

He stays quiet for so long that I think he may have fallen asleep, wherever he is tonight.

I nearly fall asleep my self, but I am ones again awoken when he answers.

You know I cannot allow that to happen. I have sworn this man my sword, and my protection.

That is my fear. I wish not to harm him, and I am unsure what to do here brother. This is my cover, if I am to delay, I may be suspected.

There is once again a long pause, in which I am left alone with the sounds of the night. Not far off, the sound of several of our blended group's mounts splash through the small river to sip heartily.

Maybe you should try a different cover.

And where do you suppose I go? Two of the ones I travel with know who I am. One of them, a boy, used to live in Nordic, and told me he used to love watching me ride Las. So of corse, he knew who I was. If I am to leave, someone will surely turn me in.

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