Stacie Warner

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Yes, yes, I know. I said just a while ago that I won't update for a while, but here I am. I was bored and decided to write, because, really, I should update. I've tried to write in 3rd person this time, but I might accidently slip in 1st. But anyways, tell me how you like it and which should I write in.

Stacie was your typical average highschooler. She wasn't a nerd, she wasn't popular. She was a nobody, really. She didn't even have any friends. One day, she met a girl that would change her life. Annabeth. Stacie met Annabeth at the school library, she liked some of the books there. Annabeth had come up to her.

'Do you know where I could find the Maze runner series?' She asked.

'I'm not very sure,' Stacie told her. 'but it's somewhere on this shelf only.'

'Thanks, that certainly help with where to find it. Say, wanna talk at lunch?'

'Sure.' Stacie replied to her, not sure what I was signing up for.

'Great, I'm Annabeth.' She held out her hand.

'Stacie' She said, taking it.

Just then, the bell rang. Stacie and Annabeth parted ways as they went for their respective classes. At lunch break, Stacie scanned the room, looking for Annabeth.

'Stacie! Over hear!' She heard a voice. She looked around for the source, her eyes landing on Annabeth.

They talked through out their break, and got to know each other well. Stacie noticed that Annabeth steered clear of any talk of family, always diverting from the topic. Annabeth had ADHD and dyslexia, as Stacie had learned. The two became good friends by the end of the lunch break. They once again left each others company promising to meet at dispersal.

Stacie found Annabeth sitting under the shade of a tree, reading a book. Stacie headed over there, when she was intercepted by a gang of bullies.

'Oh hey there Static. Didn't see you there.' One of them said, bumping into her.

'You're just a nobody, nobody would notice if you were just on the ground.' Another one said as he pushed her to the ground.

 Somebody came behind Stacie and punched one of the boys in the gut. While he was down, she smacked his head hard with her book. The next one decided to confront her, but as he punched her, she grabbed his fist and twisted his arm, making the bully groan in pain. The third one did the smarter course of action, and ran away from there. Stacie's saviour lent out a hand. It was Annabeth.

'You okay there? I hope they didn't hurt you much.' She asked, concern laced in her voice.

'No, really I'm fine.' Stacie said, taking the hand and standing up.

'Tell me if you need anything, I'll always be here for you.'

'Thanks for offer, I'll take it up if I need too. Well, my ride is here. See you tomorrow?' Stacie replied.

'Sure.' Annabeth told her.

And that was how a friendship was formed between Stacie and Annabeth.

So, I'm done with the chapter! Now, I'm not American, so I don't know how you guys' educational system works. If you find anything wrong, tell me, and I'll fix it. Hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and if you find any errors, tell me!

Yours truly,

Katherina Nightlock

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