Big Three Kids Party (And a surprise)

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One day, Percy called a big three kids party in his cabin. It was the rare occasion where both the romans, and the hunters were at camp half-blood.

By 6 pm, Hazel, Thalia and Jason arrived. They were just waiting for Nico. He shadow-travelled next to Percy's bed. Seconds later, the door banged open, and Will ran in. 'Nico! What did I tell you about shadow-travelling?'

'Not to.' Nico said.

'Then, why did you do it?' Asked an annoyed Will.

'Because I wanted to!'

'Not a valid reason Di Angelo. Infirmary, now!' Nico pouted. He had changed quite a bit ever since he started dating Will.

'Oh come on Will! I invited Nico to a party, just us big three kids! Please let him stay, I'll send him once it's over.' Percy said.

Will sighed. 'Fine, Jackson. But if he's not in the infirmary by 9 pm, you might find yourself there to!'

Percy grinned. 'Deal. And Solace, what did I saw about barging into my cabin?'


'But I never said you could!'

'You didn't say I couldn't either.' Retorted Will.

'Well, now I forbid you from barging into my cabin.'

'Ok. But if Nico's not in the infirmary by nine...'

'You'll do what, exactly?' Mocked Percy.

'I'll barge into your cabin to pull him out and beat you up. Or maybe I'll just get Annabeth to beat you up.' Percy sprang to his feet.

'No! I'll bring Nico to the infirmary, just don't send Annabeth to beat me up!'

Will smirked. 'We'll see.' He left the cabin. Percy closed the door and the five of them sat in a circle.

'So, what do you guys want to do first? We can play a game. Or we can eat some snacks, I've brought mom's blue cookies.'

'Why don't we play some games.' Hazel suggested.

'But I love Sally's blue cookies, I wanna have them first.' Thalia whined.

Jason, being the mediator he is, said: 'Why don't we play games, and keep the cookies in the middle.' All of them agreed.

'So, what should we play?' Asked Nico.

'Truth or Dare?' Thalia suggested.

'Nah... it's more fun when we have more people.' Jason said.

'Why don't we play two truths, one lie? I don't know about you guys, but I haven't played it in forever!' Percy said. Everyone agreed. No one had played the game for a while.

'I'll go first.' Said Hazel. '1. My favorite food is Shrimp Gumbo. 2. I don't know any languages except English, Latin and a bit of Greek. 3. I'm one of the only demigods to be brought to life from the fields of Asphodel.'

Percy, who was sitting next to her, faked a look of thought. 'Hmm... that's so hard.' He said sarcastically. 'It's the second one. You know some French too.'

Hazel pouted. 'Damn, you got it quick.'

'Dam, my dear Hazel, not Damn.' Said Thalia, before erupting into laughter, Percy following soon after.

Everyone was confused, except Nico, who simply had a this has happened too many times before look. He sighed. 'The two, along with Grover, have an inside joke. I don't know the whole story, but it involves something about Hoover Dam.' Everyone nodded in understanding.

'My turn!' Percy exclaimed like a five-year-old, swallowing his cookie. 'Hmm... 1. I only know about the Greek, Roman and Norse gods. 2. I have read Harry Potter. 3. I've been engaged to Annabeth for a week now.' He looked at Thalia for her answer.

' actually tried to make it hard this time. But I think I'll go for the... second one. I can't see you reading, at all.' She said.

Percy smirked. 'Point Percy. Your wrong Pinecone face!'

Thalia raised her eyebrows. 'You actually read Harry Potter?'

'Yup! The first book I read in Ancient Greek, and the rest I read in normal Greek. It took me a year, but it was totally worth it, because I could finally understand Annabeth going on about which house we'd all be in.'

'Well, which one was the lie, then?' Thalia asked.

'The third one (correction: The first one. Thanks, Snakey11 for pointing it out!). Egyptian gods exist too, you know.'

Thalia's jaw dropped. Everybody else digested the information, their eyes bulging out of their sockets. 'You mean to tell me that you've been engaged for a week, and nobody told me?'

'They didn't tell anyone, clearly, I doubt anyone knows.' Jason said.

'Does anyone even know?' Asked Nico.

'Only me, Annabeth, Mr. Chase, my mom, Chiron, and of course Poseidon and Athena.' Just then, Annabeth walked into the cabin.

'Percy have you se-' She stopped abruptly. 'You told them, didn't you?'

Everyone unfroze. They all jumped upon the couple, saying their congratulations.

Done! A new part out! Should I post their proposal next?


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