Chapter 4

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Y/N was the first one to wake up. At first, it took him a while to adjust to his surroundings, as he thought that he was still at home and the whole fiasco was just a dream. But then he looked at his surroundings and saw that he was still in that room from yesterday.

"Alright, come on get the fuck up" He whispered to himself.

He got up, albeit his still tired body begging not to, and began to stretch. He looked back at the bed and saw that Kiara and Partygoer weren't there anymore. The only thing that remained there was his scattered pair of clothes.

"I guess they woke up before me..." He said. 

Y/n walked over to his clothes and began putting them on. Once he got to his pants, something square fell out of it. He watched it bounce on the bed for a few seconds before the information was finally processed in his head and he realized that it was his phone...

"..." Y/N said nothing as he slowly moved forward and grabbed it.

" Y/N said nothing as he slowly moved forward and grabbed it

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"My baby... She finally returns to me. I knew there really was a god" He opens the phone and sees that the time in the lock screens glitching out.

"... Why does this world hate me..."


After finally putting on his clothes, Y/N exited the room and walked back to the party room while checking if his phone was still okay.

"Well, so far only the time and signal parts were affected,  but everything else seems normal," He pocketed his phone and sighed "Still, that makes no difference, I can't contact anybody out there"

He reached the party room and saw that Partygoer and Kiara were standing in front of a table having some pizza.

"Morning... wait, is it morning?" He greeted.

"Oh, hi Y/N!" Partygoer raised a pizza slice at him "Want some pizza? It's fresh!:

Y/N sat down on the chair, took the slice from her, and thanked her. As he started chewing, he realized that he had never given Partygoer a name. He began going through options while he continued chewing. Eventually, he found the perfect name, he swallowed the pizza and called out to her.

"Hey Partygoer, can I ask you something?" Y/N asked her

Partygoer perked up from what she was doing and tilted her head. Also curious, Kiara had tilted her head too.

"Sure, go ahead!" She replied.

"Do you have a name, by any chance?" He took another slice of pizza from the tray and took a bite.

"A name? I don't think so. I just call myself Partygoer, should that be a problem?" She asked

"Well yeah it's a problem, I can't keep calling you Partygoer, that's just too long." He takes another bite from his pizza, "How about I call you Rachel?"

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