Chapter 6

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As soon as Y/N went to sleep, everybody else quickly followed. They all got comfortable in their own positions before going to sleep. But only Cameron and Silky decided to stay up for some reason.

"Well Silky, it's just me and you, what do you wanna do?" Cameron asked.

"Wanna go outside for some fresh air?" Silky suggested as she pointed her thumb to the door. Once Cameron nodded, they both stood up and went outside.

When they opened the door they were greeted with the same almost pitch black sky, they breathed in the air and exhaled trying to relax themselves from all the tension.

"This is nice, it sure beats being in that cramped area we were in, right Silky?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah... Sure..." Silky held her arm while staring off into the distance. Cameron noticed this and immediately knew why she was feeling like that.

"You know he wasn't gonna shoot you." He tried to reassure her, only to receive a sigh as a response.

"I don't understand why he'd do it though! I mean, look at me!" She gestured to herself "Would you really try to shoot somebody like me?"

"I mean, you did attack him first-"

"THAT DOESN'T COUNT!" Silky quickly cut him off, waving her hands around comically.

Cameron laughed to himself, before placing his arm on her shoulder comfortingly. She looked at him and he smiled reassuringly.

"Come on, how about when they wake up, you'll go apologize and everything will go back to normal OK?"

"Sure Cameron, I suppose I did overreact a little bit" She felt Cameron's hand grip a little tighter on her shoulder "Cameron?"

Silky looked at Cameron and saw that he was suddenly terrified. She looked at him confused he then pointed over to something, when she looked over and her face changed into a look of fear that matched Cameron's.

They both turned tail and ran back into the house, slammed the door behind them, and locked the door.

All four of the people sleeping suddenly jolted awake .

"Silky? Cameron? What's wrong?" Rachel asked worriedly.

"There was this thing outside!" Silky said extremely scared.

"And it had this big creepy wide smile!" Cameron said, equally scared.

"And it was looking right at us!" They both said at the same time.

Suddenly, a loud knocking sound was heard from the front door. Everybody's heads instantly turned to the door in shock and confusion, Kiara and Doul instantly got ready while Rachel, Sily and Cameron hid behind the couch. Y/N stood up, grabbed his pistol, and walked towards the door.

At that point, the knocking had turned into full on bashing. Y/N, who still hadn't said anything, put his hand on the doorknob and looked back at them. He mentally counted to three and slowly turned the doorknob to reveal...


"What?" Y/N said to himself, he walked into the yard and looked around. Once he saw nothing, he just turned back at the door and shrugged at them.


Y/N turned around and again when he felt another presence. He aimed his pistol around trying to get a clear view of what was finding and stalking him. Another snap alerted him and he quickly turned around, this time coming face to face with it.

 Another snap alerted him and he quickly turned around, this time coming face to face with it

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