chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Billi waited until all the men had left the bailey and out in to the surrounding forest before she got a

horse and followed. She could not fight the memories from flooding her 

mind of her family and friends all dead, there was no way she was going to stay behind while they

went out to find the killers. She kept at a distance so they would not 

notice her so most of the time she could not even see them. The trail they followed was plain to see

from all the blood left by Ian. Her heart broke for the man and his family 

,she knew what they were feeling. It took more than an hour for them to find the camp of the rebels.

Billi did not get to close for fear she would be seen, but she could hear 

the battle raging just ahead of her. The sound of metal clashing metal rang through the air. She had

to cover her ears from the sound of men dying. Finally she couldn't 

take it and edged closer, she had to stop suddenly when she saw a figure rushing through the

woods in her direction. Just when she thought the man would run right past 

her without ever seeing her he stopped as if he sensed her and looked her right in the eyes. She

gasped in shock when it registered who it was she was looking at. 

Fergus MacDonald. There must be a mistake. She looked at him again to make sure her

eyesweren't playing tricks on her. He smiled as if he knew it was her and started 

charging after her when there was a commotion towards where the fighting was. They must have

being frozen there looking at each other for a few minutes cause now 

there was no more fighting going on. She could hear someone coming towards them, Fergus must

have realized it as well, instead of running towards her like he was a 

moment ago he looked at her and smiled in such an eerie way it made the hairs stand up on the

back of her neck. Just before turning and running in the opposite direction. 

Billi could not believe what just happened. Was he the one who killed her family? If it was him then

he would now know where she was staying which meant she had to 

leave before Andrew found her, she could not return to the castle, There was no way she would put

the lives of so many people in danger again.


 Andrew couldn't believe there luck, they found the rebel camp with almost no trouble. They must

have thought they had killed all the men he sent out so had no fear of 

being caught. There leader looked familiar to him but he never got close enough to see for sure. He

was in the middle of fighting off two huge Scotsman when he noticed 

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