(C. 1) Lonely

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A/N this is a very old story idea that I never made into anything and have now decided to revitalize. It will go as almost a parallel of sorts to Little Doll because Chuuya deserves a childhood friends to lovers arc too.


Y/n had been living alone on the streets for as long as she could remember. People had come and gone out of her life like water along a river and still, she remained. In her ramshackle hut made from old trash she'd found laying around, she lived. 

It wasn't like she hadn't tried to do something different. She had shown up at orphanage doors, at shelters, and asked for a home. She had begged the world to protect her but, if she had learned anything in her few years, it was that the people of Yokohama didn't like ability users. It didn't matter that hers was harmless, it didn't matter that she was a child. They looked at her and all they saw was the potential for danger or a lawsuit.

She had tried lying. When she had been asked if she had an ability, she had tried saying no. At most, all it had given her was a few short weeks of safety. She was young and had no control yet. All it took was a single loud noise and she would do what she had to in order to be protected.  All it took was going to sleep and having a weird dream and suddenly, she would wake up half transformed.

At first, she had resented these places. They were supposed to protect people like her and instead, they just kept on putting her back into harms way. Slowly, she began to understand that for a shelter, a lawsuit could mean being shut down. Just her mere existence within the walls of a place like that could get them sued, no matter how harmless she really was.

That was how Y/n had ended up in Suribachi city. The crater meant safety for people like her. It was far from ideal but at least within its crime ravaged streets, no one would throw her out for simply being different. She did have to be extra careful when she transformed there however. While most normal people see a rabbit and think it to be a cute pet, put a rabbit in a place like that and all people see is their next meal.

As she had gotten older, she had learned to control it more. Still, there were days when she couldn't leave her hole of a home, unable to regain her human form. It was one of those days when she first met him: Chuuya Nakahara.

Y/n had heard a noise, someone rummaging through the trashcans near her. Her ears twitched at the sound. Sure, she was a prey animal but that didn't mean she couldn't be curious. No one ever came around this area, that's why she had chosen it.

Getting to her feet, still in her rabbit form, she walked towards the entrance of her home and peered out. There, rummaging through the garbage beside her, was a young boy with fiery red hair. 

"Fuck!" he yelled out, throwing an empty can to the ground in frustration.

Y/n flinched, diving back into the safety of the darkness. She listened hard, on high alert. There came, after some more muttered curses, the sound of footsteps and she thanked god the boy was leaving. Her grateful headspace dissipated as, instead of watching the boy walk away, he stopped and leaned against the wall right across from the entrance to her home. 

Sliding down it, he pulled his knees into his chest, burying his face in his hands. She couldn't hear the sound of sobs and so assumed the boy was just stressed. She watched him as he sat, still and silent as a stone, lost in his own thoughts. After a few minutes of watching him, Y/n slowly allowed herself to exit her home.

Nervously and quietly, she crept towards the boy. His lack of movement made her feel somewhat safe, safe enough to let her curiosity get the better of her at any rate. She nudged his foot gently with her nose and he looked up.

Chuuya's eyes shot wildly around the ally before coming to rest on the rabbit that appeared to be the source of the nudge against his shoe. It was a small thing, mostly white with ears that looked like they'd been dipped in a pot of ink. He stared at it a moment before a small, humorless laugh left his lips.

"Look, I don't have anything for you." he announced, holding his hands up as if to prove his point, "I don't even have anything for myself so, just go away."

The rabbit cocked it's head to the side, almost as if it could understand what he was saying. Chuuya nudged it with the toe of his shoe slightly.

"Go away." he said again.

The rabbit side stepped, moving slightly from the nudge he had given it, but did not run. Instead, it looked down at his shoe before turning its gaze back to his face and hopping forward.

Chuuya groaned.

"What a nuisance."

The rabbit took another step towards him, it's ears twitching, picking up every sound in the space. He looked down at it, an odd sort of fondness in his eyes. Gently, he reached a hand forward. The rabbit backed up a bit and he stopped, holding his closed fist out to it.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." he said gently, grateful the ally was empty.

The rabbit's eyes shifted from his face to his hand and tentatively, it stepped forward. It sniffed his hand intently for a few seconds before butting its head into it. Chuuya smiled.

"See?" he said, opening his fingers, "I told you."

Just as he laid his hand on the rabbits head, a flash of light filled the ally. Where the rabbit had stood just moments before now sat a young girl. She looked tired, wearing nothing but rags. Her eyes were the same. Chuuya's mouth fell open.

"Hi." she stuttered out.


"I'm sorry, I don't have a lot of control over it. I'll go away." she explained quickly, scrambling away from him.

"No! No, it's... it's okay." he sighed, holding a hand out as if asking her to stop.

She did indeed stop, watching him carefully.

"I'm... I'm Chuuya." he began, "You are?"


"Do you live here?" he asked, nodding his head over to the ramshackle structure the rabbit had come out of.

Y/n followed his movement, looking back over her shoulder at it, before meeting his eyes once again and nodding once.


She nodded again.

"That must be lonely. Why not go to a shelter?"

"I tried."

"But they kicked you out?"

She nodded again and he sighed. There was something familiar about her, something about the fear and the loneliness in her gaze mirrored what he himself felt.

"Because of my ability." she clarified.

"Me too." he said after a moment, his head falling to rest back on his knees.

"I'm sorry."

Chuuya shot Y/n a confused look.

"Why are you sorry?"

She shrugged.

"No one should have to deal with things like that. How long have you been out here?"

"Since before I can remember. You?"


A comfortable silence fell between the pair which Chuuya broke after a moment's thought.

"Look," he sighed, refusing to meet her gaze, "I... do you want...."

"Yes." Y/n responded before he had even finished asking his question, "I don't want to be alone anymore."

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