(C. 21) Break In

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It had been two weeks since Y/n had learned Chuuya was still alive and it was complicated. Yes, she was received, overjoyed even, at the revelation but god was she angry with him too. All the years of guilt, the years of grief, the heavy weight on her chest... 

She hadn't told Rampo about the coffee meeting and she hadn't told Fukuzawa about anything at all. Y/n knew she would have to talk to him about it eventually but, didn't know how to breach the topic with him and, quite frankly, with all of Dazai's pestering, was sick and tired of being asked about Chuuya.

A crash woke Y/n from her sleeping state. Slowly, she sat up, wiping her eyes blearily with the palms of her hands before trying to find the source of the commotion. Her eyes surveyed the empty room as it came into focus, the light from the street lamp streaming in from between the slats of her closed curtain. She was just about to roll over and go back to bed when a grumble came from by the window itself.

"Who puts a desk under a window?" the person was quietly complaining.

Y/n spun her head towards the sound of the voice, just as the figure it seemed to be emanating from got to their feet. She opened her mouth, on the verge of calling for Rampo in the next room over, when the light fell across the person just right, illuminating their bright orange hair.

"Fucking... Chuu?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes again as in her tired state, she let the old nickname slip out from between her lips.

It shot through him like an arrow, finding his heart in a single go.

"Bunny, I-"

"What the fuck man." she sighed, falling back down onto her bed, "You're... you're breaking into my fucking house now?"


"Stop calling me that Nakahara."

In all the years they had known one another, Y/n had never once addressed Chuuya by his last name. He fell silent.

"Why are you here." she groaned, her voice muffled by the arm she had thrown over her face, "You're the one that abandoned me, told me to leave when you know full well I had nothing to do  with that attack."

"I know. I'm sorry."

She moved her arm slightly, peering at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Why are you here."

"I wanted to explain myself." he began, scratching his head in embarrassment, "I realize... breaking into your room probably wasn't the best course of action but you blocked me on your phone so I had to get creative."

Y/n sat up, eyebrows raised.

"Buy a new phone." she threw her hands out before her, "You don't break into somebody's room, you buy a new phone. Although honestly? That's pretty creepy too. I blocked you for a reason."


"Because I don't want to talk to you? Duh?"

"Please, Y/n. Please just let me explain."

She looked around the dark room slowly before returning her gaze to Chuuya.

"Fine." she sighed, "Be quick about it."

"Thank you." he approached her.

"Well?" she asked after a moment.

"Well..." all of Chuuya's planning had had to do with getting her to listen to him. He had never considered what it was he might actually say to her once he had her attention, "well, you know that waste of bandages you work for?"

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