Did We Get Married?

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That mysterious woman had finally shown up again!

Except for a quick glance in the afternoon, the two of them hadn’t seen each other for five years.

In Shivam’s mind, she was still the childlike girl who had said she had a little favor to ask him in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

With coldness in his eyes, he asked slowly, “Do I know you?”

A trace of sadness flashed in Isha’s eyes. It turned out that he had forgotten everything.

But it didn’t matter. They hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so she didn’t expect him to remember her.

“Mr. Pratap, my name is Isha Sharma. Five years ago, I got the marriage certificate with you at the Civil Affairs Bureau. Do you remember?” The smile on Isha’s face remained bright. Ever since she had given birth to Abhay, she had become less arrogant and more peaceful, and more grateful to life.

“I have seen too many women. I don’t remember you.” Shivam stared at her with unfathomable eyes. “What do you want?”

Seeing that he still couldn’t remember her, Isha added in a rush, “Five years ago, we got married. You are Shivam Pratap, aren’t you?”

“Did we get married? Maybe. I don’t care about whether I got married or who my wife is. To me, every woman is the same.” Shivam’s voice was still very cold, but there was an unreadable glint in his eyes.

Realizing that he had completely forgotten about their marriage and that he had no feelings for her, Isha couldn’t hide the disappointment in her eyes.

However, it was replaced with relief. After all, this was the outcome she had hoped for. She could spend time with him and explore his lifestyle and his background without worrying that he would develop feelings for her.

Anyway, she didn’t have much time left to live. It was the best ending for her to be forgotten.

‘Back then, he must have been forced to get married by his family for some reason. That was why when he met me, he decided to just get a marriage certificate with me. No wonder he couldn’t remember me now! But in that case, would he accept Abhay, whose existence is even more unexpected?’ she thought.

Isha sighed softly. “I’m really sorry for what happened back then.”

“Miss Sharma, not only is your apology cheap and useless, but it’s also late by several years.” Shivam’s eyes flashed with a hint of anger.

Over the past five years, his cold heart had gradually frozen into ice. He was extremely displeased about her reappearance without his permission.

“So you do remember me?” A tinge of hope re-entered Isha’s voice.

Shivam pursed his thin lips tightly and said nothing. It seemed that whether he remembered her or not, he had no feelings for her, and had no intention of accepting her apology.

Isha really felt bad about the way things had turned out, but there was nothing she could do to change the past now.

She handed over the gift in her hand and said, “Mr. Pratap, I know you have the right to refuse my apology, but I want to tell you that I’m sorry anyway. This gift is a token of my apology.”

Even if Abhay didn’t exist, she would still feel guilty for disappearing from this man’s life.

She held out the gift that Manisha had given her.

It was not a good place to talk, so she begged, “Mr. Pratap, please give me your phone number. I have something to tell you.”

However, Shivam just held his glass of wine with a cold expression on his face. His thin lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, a clear indicator for anyone who approached him to stay away. Abhay would have the same expression on his face whenever he refused to do something.

Realizing that Shivam wasn’t willing to give her his phone number, Isha faltered slightly, and a touch of regret flashed through her eyes. Just when she was about to withdraw her hand, however, he reached out and took the gift box.

“Mr. Pratap!” Isha exclaimed with renewed joy in her eyes. “I’ve written my phone number there. Please contact me after you cool off.”

“Do you think the anger of five years can disappear in a moment?” Shivam took the gift, clenching it with his slender fingers, and then set his glass down on the table with a thud, got up, and strode out of the hall.

He tightened his grip on the gift box until his blue veins protruded from his fingers.

Anger of five years? ’ Isha wondered in confusion. Hadn’t he said that he didn’t remember her? In that case, how could he be angry at her for five years?

Perhaps he did remember her, but he hated her for leaving without informing him. She had probably hurt his pride.

Isha thought that it would be inappropriate to chase after him. Looking at his drooped shoulders as he walked away, she felt a little uncomfortable. It was indeed her fault. She had hidden herself from him for five years, and now, she had finally reappeared in front of him, but with the intention of putting a huge burden on him.

Although Abhay was a smart and sensible child, he would still be a stranger breaking into Shivam’s life.

After taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Isha turned around and rejoined the party. She chatted with the judges for a while.

When it was almost time to leave, she walked over to Manisha.

Manisha, who was standing next to Himanshi, said in a low voice, “Himanshi, I’ve given it to Isha. As long as she gives that box to one of the judges, she won’t be selected.”

A satisfied smile appeared on Himanshi’s gentle and tender face. Good. Isha had no right to appear out of nowhere and compete with her.

Seeing Isha coming over with nothing in her hand, Manisha asked knowingly, “Isha, where is the gift box?”

“I gave it to someone,” Isha replied with a smile. Manisha hadn’t explicitly asked her to give the gift to any certain person. In order to not offend any of the judges, Isha had given the box to Shivam instead.

No matter what was in the box, she hoped that Shivam could use it one day.

Manisha beamed with satisfaction. “Very good. Go back and have a good rest. Start preparing for the first test. It’s in three days.”

In fact, there was no need for Isha to prepare at all. By offering to “sleep” with one of the judges, Isha had messed up her chance at this fashion show, and she would be blacklisted in a lot more shows in the future as well. After that, she would only be able to secure work by offering more similar “gifts” to people. There was no doubt that she would only be able to attend low-level fashion shows in the future.

“How are you, Isha?” Himanshi stepped in front of Isha with tenderness and kindness in her eyes, as if they were old friends who had not seen each other for a long time.

Only then did Isha notice Himanshi. She was wearing a black gown, which made her look much more mature and noble than she had looked five years ago. Back then, she had looked fragile and weak.

She was half a head shorter than Isha, so even with high heels on, she barely reached Isha’s height. Only in this way did she have the confidence to compare herself to Isha.

Moreover, she was now the only daughter of the Sharma family, so she had received a lot of money and support. Any woman who received that many resources for five years would be able to look noble and elegant.

The corners of Isha’s lips turned up into a slight smile. “Not bad. Luckily, I haven’t been killed yet. It turns out that you are also a model that Manisha brought here.”

Judging by Himanshi’s clothing and the way she was standing next to Manisha, Isha could immediately guess what she was doing here.


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