Had Turned the Tables!

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ILan smiled. “It seems that I really have to spend more time with my daughter from now on. When she recovers, I will take her on a real vacation. I always put my work on top of my priorities. Now I’ve realized that it’s not a good habit.”

“Then I wish you have a nice trip with her,” Isha said with a smile.

Everyone also gave Isha an apologetic look.

But Isha didn’t blame them. She just said, “Actually, I don’t blame any of you in this matter. Anyone who sees a child being hurt will speak out against the evildoer. We used to be children. Some of us here are already raising children, and some might have children in the future. I think it is only right to speak for our children and scold the bad people who try to harm them. It’s just that the bad person this time is too cunning. So everyone has been deceived.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Isha didn’t blame them, but they felt more uncomfortable and guilty.

Thus, someone immediately spoke for Isha on the Internet and revealed the truth.

On her own Twitter account, Isha also posted what she had just said to the people in the studio and wrote, “Thank you for paying attention to matters that concern children. I hope that people will stop using innocent and weak children to achieve their goals. We want justice to be served, so I hope more people will expose evil deeds.”

At the same time, ILan arranged for the public relations department to clear Isha’s name before she went to accompany Mini.

The police would also release a statement quickly. However, it was not for Isha but for justice.

It was dinner time. At this moment, most people had free time. So they were able to open their Twitter accounts and access different sites online.

A lot of notifications popped up. But the one that attracted everyone’s attention the most was the video of LuLi pushing a little girl to the swimming pool.

The video showed how she attacked the little girl and prepared to rescue her. But all of a sudden, Isha came and decisively saved the little girl. These two scenes formed a sharp contrast.

The netizens who had been deceived were very angry at LuLi. She used everyone’s kindness as a weapon to attack Isha.

On the contrary, Isha didn’t make a fuss about it. Instead, she comforted everyone on Twitter, saying that she believed that everyone was kind and didn’t deliberately slander her.

At this moment, almost all of the netizens turned to Isha’s side.

“We’re very sorry. All of us owe Isha an apology.”

“We also have to thank Isha for saving the little girl, for her kindness, and for not blaming us.”

“Isha, you are so sweet and kind-hearted!”

“Oh my God! Isha is such a good artist. I am now a fan of her. And I swear that I will always be her fan for the rest of my life.”

“Isha, you are so awesome! I want to marry you. Can you be my children’s mother?”

Isha casually checked the comments under the video. It seemed that everyone had become her loyal fans at this moment.

She knew that most of the netizens were not brainless followers. They had their own judgment and sanity. As long as the truth came out, they would make the right choice.

The night breeze blew gently and touched her skin, which made her shiver. It was only then that she remembered that she hadn’t taken a shower and changed her clothes yet.

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