Invitation to Move in!

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Shivam snorted. This clever little boy was doing everything he could to please Isha.

“I’ll eat it too,” he said, reaching out to take the slice of durian cake back.

“Forget it. Don’t eat it if you don’t like it. Or you might get a rash.” Isha stopped him.

“How do you know that?” Shivam was getting more and more confused by the minute. How did she know him so well? She even knew that he would have an allergic reaction to durian.

Isha smiled. “My friend who doesn’t like durians is allergic to them, so I guessed that it was the same case with you.”

She didn’t want to rush into mentioning Abhay. Naturally, she was worried that something else might happen, so she didn’t want to tell him until their relationship was somewhat stable.

Moreover, she had to focus on preparing for the Orisa Fashion Show, so she couldn’t afford to be distracted by any personal problems till then.

Shivam didn’t ask any more questions, but just silently studied her face. His eyes were calm, but Isha felt as if she was being completely seen through by him.

“Mr. Pratap, you like children very much, don’t you?” she ventured to ask, touching GunGun’s head.

“Yes,” Shivam replied casually. But the truth was, he had never liked kids, and had never imagined that such an accident would happen in his life.

When he had first received GunGun, he had rejected the little boy for a long time because he resented the boy’s mother.

But unexpectedly, his heart had gradually opened for this innocent little boy, and he had accepted him into his life. Now, GunGun had become an inseparable part of his life.

Fixing his eyes on Isha, he asked, “What about you?”

“Me too.” Isha smiled, raising the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. Her beautiful face looked even more radiant because of her smile.

After dinner, she tidied the kitchen, while GunGun ran excitedly around the house.

“I like this sofa. It’s beautiful,” he said, rolling around on it.

“I like this flower! It’s so beautiful!” He kissed the flower.

“I like this bed. I want to sleep here.” He opened his arms and hugged the bed.

Isha couldn’t help laughing. She had ordered all these furniture and decorations according to her and Abhay’s preferences.

Abhay hadn’t seen these things yet, but this little boy seemed to be really fond of them.

GunGun held Isha’s legs and asked, “Ishi, can I sleep with you? Can I stay here? Your house is much better than mine!”

It was a small place, but it made him feel warm and safe, unlike his own home, which was big and empty. His dad was almost never at home. The house was so quiet that he didn’t like staying there at all.

Glancing at Shivam, Isha thought about how hard it must be for him to take care of a kid on his own. Besides, his job requested him to be always on call, so he must be very busy. No wonder GunGun liked this house so much.

At the same time, Shivam looked at GunGun with approval, thinking that he was doing a great job.

“Ishi, can I sleep here?” Looking at his round face and his big, shining eyes, Isha couldn’t bring herself to resist.

“It depends on what your daddy says.” She really couldn’t refuse such an adorable kid.

Besides, this house would be given to this father and son sooner or later. So, it wouldn’t make much difference if she let them stay here now.

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