Don't bully my idol!

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Rudra’s response was exactly what Fawad wanted.

Fawad immediately released the picture of his intravenous drip with full confidence, and mentioned Invincible Swordsman, “Mr. Rudra Pratap, it’s not fair for you to say so. I’ve told you early that I suddenly felt uncomfortable and couldn’t be there, so I’m very sorry. Besides, as soon as I took off the intravenous drip tube, I directly rushed to the scene to cooperate with the shooting in the last half of the day, trying to live up to my partner’s expectations. I don’t want to let my fans down. Mr. Rudra, why did you confuse right and wrong?”

Then he added a picture that he put on a drip.

Fawad’s reply aroused his fans’ strong desire to protect him.

Under his Twitter, his fans said, “It was heartbreaking. I want to hug you, my baby!”

“Baby, have a good rest. You will be stronger after being slandered!”

“We will always be with you and support you! Baby, take care of yourself. Please get better soon.”

“My prince charming has always been very hardworking and dedicated. Everyone know this in the industry. But a rich boss oppressed you like this and even slandered you. I declare that I will never play any game created by Rudra and will never watch any news about him again.”

Some rational common people also expressed their understanding to Fawad, “It’s really understandable that illness could not be decided by himself at all. I’m on Fawad’s side.”

“But Mr. Rudra spent much money. Of course he wants the actor to shoot on the site. If everyone uses the excuse of illness to delay their work, then our world will completely out of order, right?” Some of them stood on Rudra’s side.

“You just hope that you will never get sick. You have no sympathy at all. In my opinion, you are just a lackey of rich people!”

“That’s right. Next time when you get sick and can’t get up, your boss also asks you to complete all kinds of work and not to ask for leave. Then I want to know what you will say!”

Many people shared the same feeling with Fawad, so they would certainly help him.


Rudra didn’t say anything more and directly posted several pictures.

“Everyone, look at the pictures yourself.”

In the first photo, Fawad was holding red wine in his left hand and cigar in his right hand. A woman was wearing a skimpy dress and massaging for Fawad.

The third picture enlarged the valuable watch in Fawad’s hand. The date and time were clearly shown on the watch. It was Fawad who said that he was having an intravenous drip in the hospital. But at this time, he was not only smoking and drinking, but also enjoying the massage.

Fawad was well-known for his self-discipline in the entertainment industry. The pictures on his Twitter were either for exercise or for script reading, which was very similar to his main character in his TV series—an elite with affections, and cleverness. Besides, when he was cooperating with an actress, his ears would be red.

Many female fans liked him very much and completely treated him as their dream lover.

Many people believed that he was not only not in love, but also had his first kiss. They firmly believed that he loved reading, was smart and had his own opinions.

He even had a group of male fans who were persistent and worked hard to learn from him, hoping to become excellent men like him.

As soon as Rudra released these photos, everyone was shocked. And the whole Twitter was in an uproar.

Fawad and Rudra Pratap’s names appeared in all kinds of hot topics—”Rudra uses his strength against Fawad?”

“Fawad drank, smoked, played with women?”

Other topics like “So what is the truth?” had also been a bit of talking point.

These hot topics became the most popular ones of the hot search list.

“I don’t believe this. Everyone knows that my idol is the best!”

“The rich person don’t bully my idol!"

“My idol was sick and was receiving a massage!”

“Don’t you understand the massage? Why do you make associations with sex? Do you dare to say that you won’t massage for the rest of your life?”

“You’re right. Fawad was injured when he was filming. Why can’t he have a massage? It just happens that the masseuse is a woman. Why are you so bad? Why do you think that he has done something wrong?”

“And some people also said that Fawad smoked and drank. Come on, he is an adult. What’s wrong with smoking? What’s wrong with drinking? Do you think he must cut off all the desires after entering the entertainment industry?”

“Rudra Pratap is so bad. He deliberately posted such a photo to slander our idol. I will never forgive Rudra Pratap!”

“No, I don’t think this person is Fawad. He just looks like Fawad. Look, Fawad’s mole doesn’t appear here...”

The war of words in the entertainment industry was much more indirect. Very few people would shout abuse and be too provocative. After all, they were in the same industry. They would meet each other in daily life. So they would give each other some breathing room.

Unless one side had the ability to completely ruin the other side, otherwise, the war of words would only last for a short time.

But this time, Rudra and Fawad had always been tough. Especially Rudra, it seemed that he wanted to ruin Fawad. It not only caused a strong counterattack and abuse from Fawad’s fans, but also aroused the great interest of the onlookers.

The reason why Rudra didn’t stop attacking was that he had the ability to ruin Fawad!

And according to his brother’s order, he must ruin Fawad!

Seeing that things were going on, Rudra posted two more pictures, in which Fawad was holding the woman in his arms and walking towards the room.

The time happened to be the two days when he was recuperating as he said!

The public opinion was in an uproar!

If it was true, then Fawad’s recuperation was fake, and it was true that he violated the contract. Rudra could completely hold him accountable!

Moreover, Fawad’s perfect image would also collapse.

In fact, it was not a big deal for a man in his twenties to have a woman.

But for a male artist who boasted that he was single, kept his chastity and had a lot of female fans, this was a big deal!

Under Fawad’s Twitter, although most of his fans still defended him, a small number of them cried and asked him to make an explanation.

This time, Fawad didn’t respond in time.

Fawad asked his agent angrily, “When did he take this photo? What the hell were you doing?”

His agent said helplessly, “Although we are well protected, the paparazzi are everywhere. It’s not surprising that they have those photos.”

“Resolve this crisis right now,” Fawad said angrily.

In fact, his agent couldn’t think of a good way for the moment. After all, their opponent was Rudra Pratap!

Who knew what Rudra Pratap was holding in his hand.

Fawad picked up his phone and input directly, “The massage is true, but I don’t have a woman. The photo is just a composite shot. Don’t believe it. In fact, there is another reason why I didn’t appear on the scene for shooting. The female artist in the same group has always invited me to drink in the hotel, but Rudra turned a blind eye to it and even encouraged the bad tendencies.

Women’s harassment of men is also a kind of harassment. Please understand that I only want to shoot the advertisement, and I just want to keep the professional and the personal separate.”


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