Deep Understanding about Me!

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Shivam stood up. He was even a head taller than Isha, who was a supermodel. He leaned closer and turned his handsome face to her. “Did you want me to sign it or not?”

Isha smiled self-mockingly. “I had no right to ask you to sign it or not sign it. It was my fault, after all. Whether you signed it or not, I respect your decision. But it will still impact me, so I really want to know the answer.”

“Miss Sharma, do you wish I signed it because you are in a hurry to start a bright new life?” Shivam asked slowly in a tone that was too obscure to reveal what he was thinking. But his fists, which were hanging beside his legs, were almost clenched out of shape.

“Did you sign it?” Isha was so nervous that she twisted the hem of her dress with her fingers as she waited for the answer.

Although Shivam didn’t have a high status, he was a handsome man who worked for a powerful company. Isha was sure that a lot of women must have thrown themselves at him in the past five years. If he was already with another woman now, there was nothing she could do about it.

Shivam pursed his thin lips tightly. Isha was very familiar with this look. Whenever Abhay pursed his lips this way, it meant that he was going to refuse.

The father and son had the same temper.

Isha decided to rephrase her question. “Mr. Pratap, have you fallen in love with anyone in the past five years?”

“Miss Sharma, are you interested in my private life?” Shivam cast a sidelong glance at her pretty face.

Raising her eyebrows, Isha smiled. “If I was, would you tell me the answer?”

“So that you can have a deep understanding about me?” Shivam’s voice dropped lower and lower as he raised her chin.

He had tried repeatedly to expel this little face from his mind for five years, but to no avail.

Now, this face with beautiful red lips and arched eyebrows was right in front of him. All he felt was the urge to punish her severely.

Sensing the anger building up in the man in front of her, Isha said in a low voice, “Mr. Pratap, please give me your phone number. We can talk after you calm down...”

The rest of Isha’s words were muffled by the thin lips that crashed onto hers.

After a few seconds, Shivam pulled back from the kiss and said in a husky voice, “Why don’t we talk now? In this way.”

“You bastard!” Sensing the flirty implication in his tone, Isha lost her calmness.

“Or do you need to take a shower first?” Shivam’s voice was completely seductive.

“Take a shower?” A bad feeling rose in Isha’s heart. Did he think that just because of the marriage certificates, he could sleep with her?

She looked at Shivam. “Mr. Pratap, I don’t understand what you mean.”

“I don’t believe that. After all, you are a very forward woman.”

Feeling a little offended, Isha frowned and furrowed her delicate eyebrows. “I admit that I came to you on my own initiative, but it was not for the reason you think. We are just a nominal couple. Mr. Pratap, you should be very clear about this.”

“I just want to know whether you do this only with me or with every man.” Shivam’s voice was low and his eyes turned cold.

“If I remember correctly, you’re the one who invited me to come to your room.” With a sneer on her lips, Isha continued, “Or, Mr. Pratap, do you play such tricks on every woman?”

This man had been blessed with stunning good looks. There were probably many women who had been captivated by his tricks.

Shivam directly opened the gift in front of her and said in a low voice, “Then, Miss Sharma, could you explain to me what you meant by giving me this?”

His voice was full of curiosity.

Had she only given this gift to him or to other men as well? Or was it just a coincidence?

What was her reason for appearing in front of him now, after five years?

“What else can it mean? I told you, it’s a token of my regret for leaving without telling you...” Isha said frankly. Shivam’s face was very close to her, and she felt a little breathless.

“In that case, I’ll accept your gift. I’ll do as you wish, Miss Sharma.” Shivam placed his free hand on the wall behind her, trapping her between his arms.

Hearing the implication in his husky voice, Isha turned her head to look at the gift box. As soon as she saw what was in it, her face flushed with embarrassment.

In the gift box she had given to Shivam was a condom, on which there was a very dirty advertisement!

No wonder he had completely misunderstood her intentions!

Isha hurriedly reached for the gift box and said, “Mr. Pratap, I’m sorry. This is not what I wanted to give you.”

She had never expected that Manisha would give her such a thing and encourage her to give it to someone else.

If she had really given this gift box to one of the judges tonight, she would have been blacklisted for this fashion show, and no other official show would accept her in the future.

“Mr. Pratap, this gift was prepared by my agent. I didn’t know what was in it! If I had known what was inside, I wouldn’t have given it to you. Please give it back to me.” Isha stretched her fingers to grab the gift box. The more she tried to explain, the more flustered she became.

She didn’t know what the man in front of her was thinking.

Manisha was really a troublemaker! She could have had a normal conversation with Shivam, but that chance had been ruined by this stupid “gift” box.

Shivam’s eyes darkened after hearing her explanation. He would rather she had wanted to give it to him instead of...

He tightened his grip on the gift box and moved it out of her reach. “Well, I already knew it wasn’t prepared for me. After all, I’m sure you’re aware that just one is far from enough for me.”

All of a sudden, Isha recalled what had happened five years ago, and her face flushed with embarrassment. This man looked gentlemanly, but he was just a hypocrite.

“No, I’m not. I forgot everything that happened five years ago,” Isha lied with an indifferent smile, concealing the shyness in her eyes.

“It’s been five years, but you still didn’t learn your lesson.” The desire that had been surging up in Shivam’s body and eyes disappeared at once.

Isha knew what he was referring to. Five years ago, she had been drugged by her step-sister, and today, she had fallen for her own agent’s trick.

However, even if Shivam hadn’t shown up at the party today, she wouldn’t have given this gift to any of the judges. She might be pure, but she wasn’t stupid.

“Forget it, Mr. Pratap. Let’s talk about it next time.” Isha felt that she couldn’t continue this conversation anymore. “I’m leaving now. Please contact me later.”

The man was still clenching the gift box tightly in his hand. It seemed that she wouldn’t be able to take it back.

Isha turned around and left in a hurry.

Even after walking out of the room, she couldn’t shake off the flurry of emotions that had overcome her just now, and her face stayed red for a long time.

It was not just because the gift had been too “dirty,” but also because Shivam was really good at flirting!


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