In Cooperation with Her Childish Game.

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All of a sudden, GunGun raised his head and kissed on Isha’s cheek.

A bright smile appeared on Isha’s bright face. She smiled at him.

Shivam’s heart missed a beat. With a thought, he got close to Isha’s face.

Tenderness filled Shivam’s heart, and his eyes were thick and bottomless. At this moment, he completely forgot that GunGun was still here.

With her bright eyes wide open, Isha stared at him and watched him getting closer and closer.

She didn’t escape. What was more, at this moment, the aura between them had already blocked out the existence of GunGun.

Shivam was so close that Isha could see the fine hair on his face clearly.

“You...” Isha was stunned for a while, but she didn’t know what to say next.

“I know you like kids.” His eyes were fixed on her. “So I don’t mind having one more.”

Isha was shocked. ‘Is he going to do something bad here?’

GunGun was still in his arms.

“Shivam, calm down!” Isha said suddenly.

The atmosphere just now was swept away.

Coincidentally, her legs became weak and she fell to the sofa behind her.

Shivam reached out his hand to catch her in time, but he had to protect not only Isha, but also GunGun. At that moment, he just pressed Isha on the sofa and GunGun lay beside her.

Fear rose in Isha’s eyes.

Shivam felt so regretful! Because he scared Isha!

He shouldn’t have brought up the topic of having one more child in such a hurry!

Before he could figure out a remedy, the door was opened and Aunt Chen came in with bags of vegetables.

It was not until Isha pushed Shivam away that she found that he had closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

It took Isha a lot of effort to push him away. She reached out her hand and hugged GunGun, and then pushed Shivam. “Shivam? Shivam?”

She put her hand on the tip of Shivam’s nose to check if he was still breathing.

Shivam pulled a wry face when Isha did this to him.

Noticing that Shivam was still breathing, Isha breathed a sigh of relief. But she felt that his skin was a little hot.

“Is Shivam running a fever?” Isha found a thermometer and checked him.

As expected, the temperature had reached thirty-nine degrees.

Shivam didn’t sleep well on the ship. Besides, he took a cold shower continuously and suffered a whole night after he came back. Now he was sick.

Aunt Chen was also shocked when she knew that Shivam had a fever. She quickly said, “Then I’ll call the doctor.”

The Pratap family had family doctors. Aunt Chen only needed to make a phone call.

“Okay,” Isha replied.

“No, thanks.” Shivam said in a hoarse voice and opened his eyes.

“No, you can’t go on like this.”

“I’ll take some medicine, then I will be fine.” He didn’t want more people to disturb Isha.

Seeing that he insisted, Isha reached out her hands and helped him up. “Then you go back to your room first, and I’ll find you some medicine. What happened? Why are you sick all of a sudden?”

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