Back On The Field

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Hadleys POV

I walk out to the van and get it.

"Good Morning Miss Alyssa," He says. That's so different compared to hearing Hannah.

"Good morning!" I said and we began the drive.

"Henderson Elementary," I say to myself as we pulled up to the school.

"I will be here at 3 to pick you up after and bring you to soccer and your mom will meet us there Alyssa, have a good day!" He said and I waved to him goodbye and walked into the school.

"Hi who are you and what grade?" The man asked.

"I'm Ha- Alyssa Manson, 5th Grade?" I said.
That was a close one.

"Oh miss Alyssa! Nice to meet you! Your in Miss Andrews class down the hall! Have a great first day!" He said and I walked down the hall.

I went to the classroom and found my spot, maybe things won't be so bad.


School is going well! I love my class and teachers. Still struggling to remember my name is Alyssa and not Hannah, or Hadley in school. And in soccer my jersey will say Manson not Hartmann, Kelce or swift.


School was over, I talked to a couple people today but I ran outside to find Brian. He waved to me.

"Alyssa!" He said and I ran to the van.

"Hi Uncle Brian!" I said.

"Good day at school kiddo?" He asked.

"It was good!" I said and we drove over to practice.

We arrived and I got out.

"Thanks Uncle B! I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Bright and early!" He said.

"I'll see you then!" I said waving goodbye to him. I walked into the doors and I see Taylor in her disguise this time wearing a wig. I giggled. I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hi!" I said. She turned around.

"Alyssa!" She said as if that was my name.

"Good day at school?" She asked.

"Fantastic!" I said and she hugged me back.

"That's awesome! Now time to go practice! i'll stay and watch!" Taylor said.

I smile and go to the back to change. 

"Manson, your benched for the first half of practice, we don't want you to get concussed again," The coach said and I nodded and he pointed to the out section where Taylor was sitting.

I walked over and watched the practice and sat next to Taylor.

"Oh Lessy that's a bummer, i'm sorry your benched," Taylor said.

"Its alright, it's primarily fault," I said with a laugh.

"Well Les, maybe I need to start padding the walls at home huh?" Taylor laughs.

"Lessy?" I questioned.

"New nickname do you like it?" She asked.

"I love it, but does it go to Alyssa or?" I paused.

"I think it fits for Hadley, but also Alyssa, as long as you like it," Taylor said and I leaned into her.

"I love it," I said.


"Manson, your back in," The coach called.

"Go get 'em Tiger," Taylor said and I ran back onto the field.

Taylor's POV

I watch Hadley play like a hawk, I was just so scared she was going to get hurt again.

She was having so much fun that I didn't realize it was over.

"Cmon Lessy, water, your out of breath," I said handing her a water bottle.

"Thanks," she said and I wrapped my arm around her and we walked out to the car.

"You rocked it today! I'm so proud of you," I said.

"Thank you, I missed playing," She said.

"I could tell as soon as they benched you," I laugh focusing on the road.

"How was your day?" She asked.

"Had a meeting with Tree, but most of all I missed you," I said.

"You did?" She asked.

"I always miss you! I was so sad that you had to go to school!" I said.

"It was only a few hours, Taylor," She laughs.

"But you're my baby! I need my baby home with me!" I said and she smiled.

"You know home schooling is a open option," She suggested.

"Good try but no!" I laugh.

"Well I tried!" She said.

"So dinner tonight is homemade pizza, in celebration for your first day of school," I said.

"Can Nana come too?!" She asked. I was shocked she wanted my mom.

"She's actually already at the house," I said and her face lights up.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really she wanted to come over and see you again!" I said.

"Yay! I can't wait!" She said as we pulled up in the driveway.

"Cmon kiddo let's go see Nana," I said as she ran to the door.

"Mom we're home!" I called.

"In the kitchen Tay!" She called and Hadley ran to her.

"Nana!" She called hugging my mom.

"Hey darlin!" She said.

"Alright dinner time and it's off to bed for you!" I said and Hadley nodded.


AH 3K?! Thanks Y'all!! See y'all at the next update! That will be: 3.4K!

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