Tricks AND Horror

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Travis's POV

It was 4:50pm, and I was helping Hadley get ready for trick or treating.

"I'm home!" I heard.

"Cmon, your moms home," I said and we walked downstairs.

"Hi Taylor," Hadley said.

"Hi babe I missed you," she said and opened her arms again. Hadley gave her a quick hug.

"Sure you don't want to come out tonight," I asked her.

"I'm sure, I'm exhausted, oh I ran into Sabrina today," She said.

"You did? Did you tell her what was going on?" I asked.

"General info, and pieces, not much," She said.

"Good good, other wise work was good?" I asked.

"It was," She said hugging and kissing my lips.

"Cmon bunny, time to go," I said to Hadley.

"Have fun, please please please be safe," Taylor said.

"We will Taylor." She said to Taylor grabbing her shoes.

Hadleys POV

It was getting darker and Travis and I were still out walking.

There was a haunted house on a off street.

"Travis can I go?" I asked him.

"Sure bunny, wanna go with me?" Travis asked.

"I can go by myself you wait here," I said.

He nods holding my bag of candy as I approached the door with a ton of other kids.

I walked in and could no longer see Travis.

Taylor's POV

My mom instincts were kicking in. Something wasn't right.

Hadleys POV

Laughing and screaming with other kids when we reached a door way.

"BOO!" The guys screamed grabbing me.

"AHHH!" I screamed back as he covered my mouth.

"Say one word and you'll never see your family again," The guy said.

I was brought into a dim light and his face sparked familiarity. It was that guy again, the face Taylor and I have been seeing everywhere.

"I want my dad!! I WANT MY DAD!!" I screamed as he tied me to the chair.

Burns of rope agains my arm and around my mouth. Where's my dad.

Travis's POV

Other kids came out of the house but where was Hadley. I heard curdling screams as my phone rang.


Babe something's wrong, I feel it, call 911 and give me the address I'm coming to you.

I'm at 1217 Apples Road, I think someone took Izzy

I'm on my way now call the police!!

Quickly dialing 911, kids ran from the house. I stopped a older boy who was probably 19.

"What's going on in there?" I asked.

"The kids are petrified, there's a real girl in there being attacked as a prop by some guy," he explained.

"I'm on the phone with the police right now, thank you," I said and then I see Taylor's face in the distance.

"Babe, he took her, hers abusing her," I said.

"I'm going in!" Taylor cried and started running to the door.


"That's our daughter in there!!" Taylor cried to the police man.

A cops POV

I watch as the young lady cries for her daughter. The paramedics arrive on the scene and we enter the house breaking down the door. The girl was hanging by the hands from the ceiling, blood rushing from her nose and cuts along her body, the man was no were to be found as we searched the house. I helped the girl down in my arms, unconscious.

"We got him!" My partner yelled.

The paramedics to the girl from me and we exited the house.

Taylor's POV

they caught the guy. It was the guy that's been following us. I watch as the cops leave. The paramedics came out next. Hadley laid there on the stretcher, she was unconscious and not moving. Travis and I jumped in the back of the ambulance as they tried to get her breathing again. My poor baby.


We made in a hospital room. Harley was bandaged on her arms and legs, and numerous cuts covered her body and face.

"You must be Isabella's parents?" The doctor asked.

"We are, I'm Talia and this is my husband Tanner Swanson, what's the verdict?" I asked.

"She's got a fractured ankle, but other than that she's cut up pretty lightly and should be back to recovery in a week or to." The doctor said.

"Thank you Doc," Travis said and then the police officer came in.

"Hi you must be the Swansons?" He asked.

"Yes, we are, any information on that guy?" Travis asked.

"Yes, we know this isn't his first offense, he's charged with stalking, and assault on the 3rd degree of a minor, his name was George Grossi, he's a 36 year old male," The officer said.

"Grossi??" I said looking at Travis.

"it was her biological father," Travis said.

"Oh my," I said as my hand flew shaking over my mouth.

"He was sentenced to life in prison, we advise you to get out of California as soon as you can, you can go back to your normal lives where ever you're from," he said.

"Thank you Officer," I said and he nodded and left.

"How did we not know Travis," I cried into his arms.

"We didn't, that's the thing, we moved our whole life away to protect our family, more specifically our daughter, and that's what happened, we didn't know," Travis said.

"I shouldn't have let her go out," I said to Travis.

"Babe it was going to happen any day, im no happy that it happened but im glad it happened now and not later,"Travis admitted.

"I know, im just... im so mad at myself," I told Travis.

"Im mad at myself too Taylor but we did everything we could," He said to me and hugged me kissing my head.

"Cmon, let's go home and sleep, she's gonna be out for a while," Travis said and I nodded.

"Will come early in the morning, they'll call us with any updates throughout the night," Travis said and we walked out.

Sadly got into the car and drove off.


DOUBLE UPDATE!! hey all so the next update is 11.3K! But thanks for over 10k!!

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