Chapter 1 - The start of me

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The day I was born the sun and moon collided, sending lots of rocks flying to the clans. Many cats ended up dying, but luckily most of my clan was safe. Some regard me as either a gift from StarClan or a curse they now had to bare. Not only was I born on an unusual day, but I was also half WindClan. To say I had an unusal biryh would be an understatment.

"Honey, come here. I need to brush your fur." My mom held up a comb, a new invetion by Jaystar because StarClan sent him a sign that licking fur was a ShadowClan thing. 

My mom was Grayheart, half WindClan and now recently husbandless. Tuftstar was struck by one of the mediorites, taking all of his nine lives. "Mom, why can't you be ThunderClan?"

"I am Gray Wing's great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandaughter. Can't change my genes now, it'd be a shame to him and he'd punish us for it." 

Gray Wing was the less important brother to Skystar, he never became a leader so he's kinda boring. My mom talks about him a lot tho.

"I have to go check on the weather, can't have my favorute daughter get caught in the wind." I laughed, that was one of her favorite. jokes. But what happened next was not funny, with no one in camp to witness twoslash ran her over with a T-ford moble. The same car that killed Gray Wing's one sided-crush. 

"MOM!!!!" I cried, running to her, rainbows streamed from my eyes. (Btw she cries rainbows due to her weird rainbow eyes) 

"Wether you think you can, you think you can't, you ca......n" My mother whispered before dying. My sadness turned to rage, "I HATE YOU TWOSLASH!!!!" But I couldn't attack a Ford T-Moble now could I? I had to warn the clans.


five moons later

No one belived me, 

"Ford T-Moble's don't exist"

"It was your curse"

"Sorry I don't listen to crazy."

Were all anyone would say to me, at least I still had my sister. Anglepaw, and we were apprentices now. My mentor was Squirrelflight and her mentor was Hollyleaf, things were looking up. 

"Aughhhheh! I hate this clan!!!!" I screeched. 


"You don't mean that! Say you don't mean that" Anglepaw begged me, as everyone else stared.

"I do, no one belives me about the Ford T-Mobles!" I cried, 

"I belive you about the T-ford Mobles" quietly meowed Lionkit, but it was too quiet for me to hear and I wanted to run away too but a yowl came from the distance. It was Jaystar, leader of ThunderClan.

"Come here Starrypaw, we have to talk about...." he looked around suspisiously, "very important"

I couldn't disobey a leader now could I? Fine, I'd listen to what he had to say. 

Walking into his den, it was covered in combs, his prize achivement. Combing his fur, he asked me a very importent question. "Starrypaw, I've recived word from StarClan it's time to expand our combs elsewhere. Since you hate ThunderClan so much, I'm sending you away to WindClan. Gather information for me, and I will make you my deputy. Do you accept?"

Stocks in ThunderClan combs were going up. But could I really leave everyone behind but who gnomes maybe Id actually really like it in WindClan. Well ok it's decided I'm going.

This mission was top secret so I couldn't tell anyone, and they'd all have to think I died. Jaystar said I was poisoned with deathberries so everyone will be investigating my murder for moons.


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