Chapter 4 - WindClan Dayz

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Three months passed.....


I've spent the last three months preparing my presentation only for Breezestar to ban giving presentations about combs. I guess I'm stuck in WindClan now...

"Breezepaw8! Breezepaw8!" I forgot that was my name now, living here was awful. There was no light, or color, or happiness. 

"What do you want Breezesight?!" I was annoyed, everyone could tell so they stayed away from me. "It's someone at the border, they want to talk with you."

"Well tell them it can wait!"

"They told me... Graywinglover60072" My eyes widened. That was my great great great great.... great great great great great grandmother's name. 


"Hello? I don't have all day." Whoever this one was, she'd find out in a timly mannor. 

*HISSS* Sharp fangs came out from the shadows. The cat was an old, but handsome looking fine gentleman of a cat with razor sharp fangs, blood red orb cat shaped eyes, and a very cool slate gray coat. "Great great great great great, so many great grandpaws?!"

"Say Starrypaw... do you ever feel different from other cats?"

"If by different you mean better than yes." This cat really knew me! It was him, but how?
"Starrypaw, I have to tell you. I am Gray Wing of windclan, and I am a very old vampire."

"But, Butterflystar said she killed all the vampires in 1321!" 

"Have you ever thought.... thought that its odd that everyone who questions Butterflystar's story gets killed and everyone who follows gets to live?" 

No, I hadn't... what was he saying. 

"Twoslash didn't just obtain that Ford T mobile through hard work.." Gray Wing meowed.

"Neopetism..." I finally understood.

"You have to tell me more!" But he began to fade into the shadows as sun reached Breezestar's kingdom of darkness. "You're the second to last vampire, be carefu....l...."

"NOOOOO!!!! COME BACK!!!" I yelled, and hope sparked in me as I heard a bush rustle. 

"Starrypaw? Are you alright?" It was only Lionpaw. I frowned. 

"I'm perfectly normal," but Lionpaw didn't take my lie. He sat down, handing me a tissue. "You know, it's ok to have a bad day. Maybe Jaystar was too tough to send you away so soon. If you ever need to talk, you can meet me at the borders and I'll try to be there." 

How did he know I was Starrypaw, I blew my nose. "Do you always carry tissues with you." He nodded, blowing his nose. "Im born with an incurable cold, it's because my ancestors were orcs." Wow that was so neat, and nice of him to share his tissues. "Happy birthday Lionpaw, good bye now!"

"My birthday was three months ago, but thank you."

I left to go back to my clan, suddenly ok that I was a vampire and that my mom's death was a government coverup.

The Adventures of Starryfluff (Very Emotional 😭😭😭❤️‍🔥)Where stories live. Discover now