Chapter 2 - Initiation into Breezestar's Clan

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Hi my name is Starrypaw, and I'm currently headed to WindClan on an important mission ordered by Jaystar himself. Here I go to convince WindClan they need combs, think I can do it?

"STATE YOUR PURPOSE!" Screeched a WindClan cat who I didn't know. "I want to join WindClan, and I won't take no for an answer, thank you very much!" I replied back, not blinking until they let me in.

"You can't just BECOME a WindClan cat, you have to prove you're WORTHY!" Hissed another cat, while one cat walked to the front of the patrol. "She can fight me! If she wins, which I highly doubt she could, she can join the clan." 

Gasps filled the air, it was none other than renowned fighter Breezefall, if he was the cat I was going up against, my chances were pretty slim. My mind remembered my mission though, I couldn't go home now, it'd be really embarrassing to tell everyone I was actually alive. I'd never live it down. 

"Fine... if that is what it will take." I readied my muscles and flexed my claws, prepared for a fight. I took to the first swipe as Breezefall swiftly dodged, hoping from foot to foot. WindClan cats were known to be fast-and extremely talented dancers-but I hadn't expected this.

I struck again, but Breezefall just gracefully and beautifully spun away. Now it was his turn to attack, but as he leaped to attack me, Breezefall tripped on a rock. He rolled down the hill and into the gorge. 

"Oh my gosh did he die!?" I yowled tearfully. One of the cats looked down, sighing "Breezepaw will be upset about this, he's already lost his parents to them dancing to their deaths by tripping and falling to a very painful death. Sadly there's no way to prevent this, no way at all. You can be in WindClan."

"Oh cool" My mission was going well, today went pretty good.


Finally entering WindClan camp, I made eye contact with what I could feel was the leader. "Breezestar?" I asked, "Oh no... I'm Breezepaw7. That was pretty embraressing for you huh." The cat corrected me. My vision must had failed me, I could swear to StarClan that was Breezestar a second ago.

"Right here." Behind me was Breezestar, with his distinct angry and scratchy mew. "If you wish to join the clan, you must follow my rules."

"The Warrior Code? I already-" He cut me off, "No, those rules are boring. We follow the Heather Code, named after my ex- dead wife." 

"Anyone care to explain to this noobie?" Breezestar smirked.

"ONE: Everyone must spend one hour a day on their skin-care routine and applying eyeliner. Just because we're warriors doesn't mean we cant look our best while in battle." That cat who spoke first got in line after reciting rule one.

"TWO: EVERYONE, but Nightcloud, must have the suffix of Breeze." The cat continued reading the code, "Dear Heathertail, just give me another chance, sorry I just didn't put into account you had feelings and I-" Breezepelt cut the other cat off, "HEY! Don't say that part out loud, I forgot to write it out..." The cat gave an apologetic glance as she got in line.

"THREE: No rainbows or sunshine or colorful flowers in camp, only things in monotone color. This is Breezepelt's kingdom of darkness, lets keep it that way." Now that the cat mentioned it, Starrypaw couldn't help but notice that the entire camp was in black, gray, or white. Even the grass and dirt. The cat proceeded to line up with the rest.

"FOUR: You can kill so long as the cat is Jaystar, I don't like the way he looks at me, what? Does he think he's better than me because he invented the comb? I could do that, I just choose not too... wait are you writing this?" NO! Not Jaystar, if they hate him... it'll be hard to sell them the combs. This mission would be much harder than previously expected.

"FIVE: At every gathering, you must race to the warrior code and try rewrite it. This is so we can change our clan name to BreezeClan. They've stopped us so far, but one of these days we'll get to it before they can stop us." Was there any more? This was a long list.

"SIX: No powers when roleplaying warrior cats, also no dodging twice, and.."

I dozed off from bordem, and reawoke to Breezestar's meow.

"Do you accept our rules?"
"Umm..." I had to think, this would be the rest of my life- "Yes," oh well it didn't matter.

"Ok, you're now Breezepaw8, your mentor will be... Breezeflower. Now lets head to the gathering" It was nighttime by the time the WindClan cat finished reciting the rules. Was this the WindClan my great x15 grandfather helped create?


Cats from all the clans gathered around, it was my first gathering as an apprentice, luckily that meant no one knew who I was. With my new name and eyeliner, it'd be impossible to detect me.

"Starrypaw?" A familiar mew, it was Lionkit? Who allowed this slobbing loser sad lonely baby to a gathers? "Who's Starrypaw, you're girlfriend or something. Given the looks of you, no wonder she left." Lionkit looked confused. "Starrypaw, I can clearly see it's-" 

"No I'm Breezepaw8 of WindClan." I changed my name and everything, there was no way he could see through my disguise.  "Lionkit, go back to the nursery and sneeze on something else." He looked down, as if sad and hurt before walking away. "It's Lionpaw now, my birthday was today and no one remembered.."

Just as my conversation with Lionpaw ended, the leaders began to speak, and I looked up to listen. Was I too mean? I don't think so, but he seemed kinda sad. 

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