Chapter 7 - Friendbloom

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I was so frustrated with everything, I began drifting towards the ThunderClan border, suddenly remembering Lionpaw's offer from before. Would he uphold that promise? It was a good day to check she supposed.

"Hello... anyone here?" 

"Starrypaw?" Yellow fur appeared from the bushes, he did come! "Is everything alright with you in WindClan? You seem upset," 

"Something bad is coming to the lake!" I blurted out. His eyes filled with confusion as he tried to take in what I'd just said. 

"It's going to not make a lot of sense, but some weird cats are after my grandpawx10! Gray Wing! I don't know what to do." 

"Well, then we need to find somewhere to start. If they know Gray Wing, then they must know more than they let on... follow me!"

I hesitated for a moment, deciding I could trust him for now. Togeather we ran towards ThunderClan camp. "I can't go in there, I haven't sold any combs! Jaystar will be furious, everyone will think I've been resurrected, and they'll start to worship me instead of StarClan." 

Lionpaw thought for a moment, "Stay here, I'll be right back." 

Fine, but if anyone finds me, things wouldn't end well for them. Yeah, killing them would be the only way.

I'd been waiting for what felt like an eternity when I felt someone's paw touch my shoulder. Quickly, I got into attack mode, only for my paws to fade through his pelt. It was the strange green cat from before, I began devising all the ways I could kill him right there. "Sorry! Didn't mean to spook you so bad, please don't think of killing me though. I'm not here in physical form anyways!"

"What do you want, I am like an alpha wolf, I can track your scent anywhere." 

"Nothing, nothing. Was just hoping you'd have found Gray Wing by now, you know it's very important I retrieve him." His face was calm, seeming earnest, but I knew I couldn't trust him.

"So you can kill him and finish the job!" I hissed, showing my razor sharp teeth and claws.

"What?! No, is that what you've been thinking?" His eyes widened, clearly shocked at the misconception. "We're not trying to kill him, Firestar just needs to chat with him for some reason. Founders business I assume.." Huckleberry seemed a little less sure on the last part. My muscles relaxed, maybe I had jumped to conclusions...

"Fine... I'm still not going to just tell you where he is though." 

"That's alright with me, I'll just stay here until you do tell me." He really wasn't going to let this go, was her? We sat in awkward silence for what seemed like another eternity, where was Lionpaw?

"Whats Harper Collins Academy like, what is an academy in the first place?" I might as well break the awkward silence.  

"I donno, most cats don't really have memories of time before the academy. Like we suddenly appeared, but it's pretty good. We get taught by the most famous cats of the clans however, so it's not super bad." It was odd to be casually talking with someone I'd been ready to kill two minutes ago, but it wasn't an unwelcomed change. He had a charming spirit to him, one that made you wanna keep talking. 

"That sounds really weird, why'd they even send a student to come get my Grandpawx10 Gray Wing? Are you like a top student or something?" She'd be the most popular cat in school if she knew what a school was.

"Oh yeah... totally! I have a bunch of friends, too many to count yknow, what about-?" Rustling was heard from the bushes, "Well, I guess that's my que to leave! Nice chat, whoever you are!" 

"Sorry it took so long, who were you talking to Starrypaw?" A calico she-cat trailed behind him. "No one important, who's your friend?" I meowed. "You remember Fawnpaw? Don't you?" 

Fawnpaw... Fawn... Fawnkit?! She gave her evil smirk when my expression gave it away that I knew who she was. "Come on Lionpaw! You know how she teased me as a kit! No way am I going to work with the likes of her!" 

She moved her head closer, are eyes now locked. "Haha! Still the same weakling I knew as a kit!"

"You wanna bet! I've gotten a whole lot stronger these moons!"

"Good thing everyone's already grieved and moved on from you, it'll make this easy!" Fawnpaw laughed in reply.

"Woah woah, I know you two have a complicated past, but we need to put some of this behind us to work togeather." Lionpaw separated us, but I was still upset he'd even brought her. Lionpaw turned to her, prompting her to speak with his tail. "Tell Starrypaw about the visions you've been having."

"Gladly Lionpaw." She meowed with delight, turning to me with her patronizing stare. "For multiple moons, I've foreseen fire blazing through the forest, purifying the clans, and eventually bringing the clans to an eternal era of utopia. However, before the fire could blaze,  some items had to be brought fourth." 

"Well, what were the items if you're so smart?"

"I donno! They're always too blurry to get a good idea on."

"Seems you're not as grand as you say then!" I snickered. Lionpaw interrupted whatever Fawnpaw was going to say in reply. "You reminded me of them after saying the forest would be destroyed... they must be connected.."

The sun was beginning to set, reminding me of the meeting tomorrow night. "Some other cats in the clans know of some things, meet us at fourtrees tommorow!" I blurted out. 

Lionpaw looked up at the sky, "Alright, we can be there tomorrow. I can walk you back to the border Starrypaw," he offered.

"I know where the border is, I'm not a kit," I scoffed in reply.

"Yeah I know, I just miss you a lot here... I thought maybe we could talk." I instantly regretted my previous defense. 

"Sorry, of course you can." Fawnpaw rolled her eyes, returning back to camp as we walked towards the border. 

Most the journey back had been filled with odd silence. Neither one of us sure of what to say, that was until the first raindrop fell, causing Lionpaw to sneeze. "Achu-! Awh man, sorry..." He began to search his fur for his tissues, only to be disappointed when they weren't there. Searching my own fur, I pulled out a tiny pack. "Here," 

Lionpaw took the tissue, clearly grateful. "You have them on you?" 

"Yeah, ever since you gave me one the last time we meet. They came in handy when I cried myself to sleep,"

"Yeah! They are pretty handy," he laughed, blowing his nose. As we continued to talk, the rain gradually became worse and worse. Eventually, we took cover in a bush located on the ThunderClan-WindClan border.

"I guess this is your stop!" Lionpaw yowled through the loud rain dripping on the leaves. 

"Thanks for today, for trying to help and everything! It really means a lot to have someone on my side!" I replied back.

He purred, clearly delighted he'd been of some help. "Of course, I was happy to help out!" Getting up on his paws, the golden tom nuzzled my face in to signal a friendly goodbye. "Stay warm out there!" He yowled, turning around to leave for his own camp. "You too!" I meowed back, leaving the shelter of the leaves when the rain began to die down. Maybe there was hope for her Grandpawx10 Gray Wing yet!

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