2. New School, New Girl (Z)

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The school I'm attending is a theater school and theater is something I've known to be passionate about

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The school I'm attending is a theater school and theater is something I've known to be passionate about.

When my dad suggested the school, I had to give it lots of thought. The pros and cons, the type of classes, and how it would look to future colleges.

The school is pretty well known to have 'created' well-known actors, singers, dancers, and musicians. My dream college is Juilliard, so it only took five minutes of thinking for the final decision of yes. I was thrilled for this to go on my college application. Do you know how good this will look?

What I'm not so thrilled about is today. The first time I went to school since the move. I'm going just a few weeks after the real first day of school, so not in the middle of the semester. Each minute passes as I stand looking at the school.

When I finally gained confidence, I walked through the school. I'm supposed to go to the principal's office but I have no idea where that is. So I scan the people around me and try to find someone that looks friendly enough to approach.

I find this girl who's laughing along with her friends. Her hair is in box braids and her outfit is pink. Girls scare me, but something about her is different.

I approached her with enough confidence and kindness as I could. "Hi, I'm new and I was wondering if you could point to the direction of the principal's office?"

"Yeah, sure. Just follow me it's pretty far," she says her voice full of enthusiasm. As she walks beside me, leading the way to the office I notice her energetic behavior. She walks with her head held high waves to almost everyone. The first person I meet is popular. "My name is Kamari by the way."

"My name is Zara," I respond, gaining mutual respect.

"Where did you move from?" she asks, opening a door and letting me go first.

"New York," I say waiting for her to be by my side again. Her eyes widened in interest.

"Cool! I've always wanted to go," she says pushing her lips to the side. "Well, this your stop!"

I follow her hand that points to the principal's office. "Thank you again."

"Of course! If you ever need anything, I'm your gal!" she says and turns to walk away. I smile a little, feeling a little better now.

I knock on the door and wait for a response. "Come in!" when I open the door I'm met with a bald man in his mid-50s. "Ahh, the new girl. What's your name again?"


"Well, Zara it's nice to meet you. I'm Principal James," I just smile. "I'm going to pair you up with an ASB member and they will tour you around the school and be your guide."

"You know that's not necessary, I can function on my own. Just give me a schedule and room numbers and I'll figure it out."

"Nonsense, I'm calling one right now."

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