5. The Night Before (T)

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As soon as I saw her, a wave of jealousy came over me, the way her hips swayed and her hair swung side to side entrapped me

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As soon as I saw her, a wave of jealousy came over me, the way her hips swayed and her hair swung side to side entrapped me. Her smooth and glossy skin blessed my eyes as they roamed her body.

Her dark eyes which somehow still glowed gorgeously placed on her face, sent shivers. Her captivating voice made such a pleasing and attractive sound, making me have to process a little longer before speaking. Her defined jawline and rosy cheeks sealed her face, creating an unreal and heavenly human.

Heavenly is one way to describe her although I could describe her in many other ways. Ravishing, glamorous, appealing, stunning, alluring, divine, and more.

Her personality is almost exactly like mine but she's darker while I'm more bubbly. I won't deny it, she's one of a kind: Zara, the new girl.

I never really expected to feel challenged or looked down upon. She probably doesn't look down on me but she doesn't like me. Is that my fault?

No, why would it be? It's not my fault people think I'm the best.

Tessa, that's me. Although most people know my name so there's no need for an introduction. I'm one of the top actors and singers at our school, I've been getting the leads in all plays since I arrived.

Today is the audition, where I effortlessly attempt to get my part, Veronica. She is the main character of the play Heathers, one of my favorite movies and musicals. I've been practicing even though I don't need to. The part is already mine, everyone knows it. "Tessa, can I use your charger?"

"Uhh no, where yours?" I ask my sister, who stands by the door. My sister is a carbon copy of me, with the same color hair to the same height. The thing it, we're five years apart. She's 13, crazy I know.

"Arlo chewed it," she says and I shake my head. Me and my sister are complete opposites though, I'm not a big animal fan, she is.

My sister's room is practically a zoo with birds, guinea pigs, rats, and hamsters. I don't have the time for all of that. I'm busy practicing to become the biggest star."Here, don't lose it or break it," I say handing her the charger.

"Thanksss, you're the best!" she says, a grin plastered on her stupid face as she leaves the room. I roll my eyes at her ridiculousness and go back to practicing. As I read the lines from the script provided, perfecting my part.

Although I want the part, I can't stand the fact of kissing a guy. I've been a hardcore lesbian, ever since discovering my identity at thirteen. Never once have I kissed or had an interest in a guy. I'd much rather kiss a girl if I could. Even though I have to kiss a guy playing my part, I still want the part.

As I practice my singing, I hear a knock on my door. "Yeah?"

The door opens and in goes my mom, her face as bright as the moon. "Hey, hun. Ready to nail that part tomorrow?"

"You know me. I'm always ready, just finishing up now," I say with a small smile. I don't know how to explain the way I feel around my parents. I don't want to say it's bad because it's not. It's weird, I guess.

There's a certain feeling I get but I can't name it. I love my parents so much so it has nothing to do with that. They're so supportive and I know they love me. So what is it?

Why does my stomach drop when they talk to me?
Why does my mood completely change at the sight of them?
Am I scared?

I hate to feel like I'm being ungrateful, feeling this way for such supportive parents. I wish I could stop or at least find out why, but I can't.

I don't even know who I am without them.

They set the path for me, putting me in different lessons like dancing, singing, and acting. They want me to turn out like them with high school popularity and money.

My parents were the best in everything in school and college. They achieved every goal, being the best. They got all lead roles in high school, graduating top of their class, being valedictorians, and being recognized and famous.

Unfortunately, it changed when my dad passed, leaving a hole in my heart, I miss him a lot and will never stop. My stepdad is pretty much the same, having the same intentions as my dad.

Right now my mom is a singer, creating albums. Money is something they are proud of as well. They love to buy expensive things, flashing them online and in real life. Walking around with designer bags and sports cars, my parents are the prime examples of filthy rich. But they still 'act' like parents, they refuse to hire chefs and maids to do the cleaning. My dad and mom switch cooking duties and they make us do chores around the house.

They want me to be like them, but I don't want to. Although it's nice, it's not really what I want.

What I want is to be a pilot, flying around the world, looking at things from above, learning new things, taking people to see loved ones, and enjoying vacations.

It's a dream, a want, a need. Something that's been on my mind since I was a girl. A pilot might be random but it's what truly makes me happy. It's not like I don't like singing, dancing, and acting. It's fun and something I will continue on the side but I don't want it to be my future, truly.

It's most likely going to happen though, my parents pay for it to happen. I don't think I have a say in what happens with my future. What I do know is that if I choose to live the life I want to, they'll cut me off.

Just ask my brother. "Tessa?"

"What? Yeah?" I say, shaking my head at the thoughts.

"You spaced out there, you okay?" she says, moving towards me and placing her hand on my forehead. Her warm hand on my forehead makes me move back. "Are your friends auditioning?"

"Yeah, they wanna be Heathers," I say, chuckling at the thought of them playing the part.

"Okay. Get some sleep okay?" she says, kissing my forehead and then leaving the room. When the door closes, I put away my things.

I plop back onto my bed, the warmth of the blankets on top of me. Snuggling close to my stuffed pig and finding the perfect position, I doze off.

(A/N: this feels messy, tell me I'm wrong 😭)

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