Prologue: Intro

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Authors Note: This entire story will be in Demi's POV

I walked into my house hearing my parents fighting again like they always did. It was no importance that I their daughter was home. My parents didn't even notice I was around unless I got into trouble, which barely ever happened.

I ran into my room shutting the door pulling out my laptop to skype call my best friend. I heard the call and laughed pulling the call.

"HEY," I heard Miley yell as she looked at me. I laughed at my best friend and said hello.

"So how is your home can I come over?" I looked at her hopeful. I spent almost every night at her house because she had a normal life with normal parents.

"My mom said you can you just have to check with your parents." I put my finger up and texted my mother who responded with I don't care just don't bother me.

"Its a yes." I said faking a smiling she looked at me caringly and said she was sorry

-In the Morning-

I woke up on Miley's couch that she had in her bed room to Miley's alarm clock that played a goat screaming to Taylor Swift's I knew you were trouble. We both laughed and got up to go to her closet to pick out outfits.

Miley's Outfit:

Demi's Outfit:

I stepped out of the bathroom and she laughed at me. We were both wearing black but Miley was not one to dress up for school and I wanted to accessorize showing that even though these were my friends clothes, I knew how to rock them in my own unique way.

We heard Miley's mom Tish yelling that breakfast was ready and we ran down to see French Toast sitting on the table. We both smiled and started to pig out because french toast was our favorite breakfast besides cold pizza.

"Girls slow down," Tish said laughing at us, "you are eating like I have two teen boys in this house."

"Sorry mom," Miley said laughing, "we just love your cooking."

"Yeah Mrs. Cyrus I love them so much. I don't eat like this at home its usually whatever is in the fridge," I said and she thanked us for the appreciation and then headed off to get dressed for work. Miley and I heard Miley's alarm warning we had to head out for the bus.

We put our stuff on and headed out to wait for the bus we saw a couple more of our friends standing at the bus stop.

"Hey," Ariana said standing in her normal skater skirt attire matched with heels and a channel purse. Ariana, even though she hung out with us, was rich and had all the nicest things expect a car because she crashed it into a ditch last month. Our other friend Kendall was shining off her boots.

Kendall was the model out of the group and she was not a bitch about it at all. We all were very different but the thing that brought us together was our love of black. Around school we hung out with the bad kids and goths. I was neither and this guy in our group I have had a crush on for years.

As the bus pulled up, we climbed on and sat Miley and I first and then Ariana and Kendall behind. The four of us chatted on our way to school. We were about to face our second day of our senior year. Things this year we all agreed had to be different because we were so tired of our crushes ignoring us. Kendall liked Harry Styles who hung out with the populars but he never noticed her because he was full of himself. Ariana was into a guy from Australia named Luke, a weirdo but little did she know he liked her too. Miley was into the brother of my crush named Nick who was the sweetest guy in our group but was oblivious to how much Mi liked him.

I liked Joe Jonas, school outsider and hottest guy. He was mysterious, different, smart, deep, and more. However, Joe and Nick were in a somewhat separate group within our bigger group. They called themselves different and I wanted to be different like them. Would I ever get that chance and maybe even win Joe's heart? That was the plan Sam. I know that is horrible rhyming but yeah I will win him over if its the last thing I do

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