➙ one.

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SHE TIGHTENED HER hand around the staff as she heaved for air. the scorching sun was high in the sky and shining down at her , causing some of her curls to stick to her forehead , due to the sweat.

she took a step back and swung her staff , only for it to be blocked. she swung it again and he ducked his head , missing it by a mere second.

the girl let out a smile and shook her head. he took a step back , waving his staff around. "i thought you said you were good at this" he spoke , heaving for air aswell.

her combat boots gripped against the board as she took a step back, leaning against the staff. "come on , you know i'm better than you" she spoke.

"prove it"

his words weren't cold and she moved forward , swinging the staff towards him. he held his own staff out , preventing hers from hitting his face or any part of his body.

his blonde hair were drenched with sweat and so was the rest of his clothes. the girl huffed as he blocked her swing once again.

he pushed her staff backwards with his own , causing her to stumble back. she stopped herself from falling and with her quick thinking , she moved forward , swung the staff towards his feet and he fell on his back , onto the board.

he groaned in response as his staff fell from his hands. the girl had a smirk on her face as she stood her ground and looked down at him.

"told you i was better" she spoke. he leaned back up on his elbows. "you learned from the best" he spoke and put his hand out.

she smiled and threw the staff to the side , putting her hand out and helping him back onto his feet. he tapped her shoulderblade out of proudness.

on the patio , a woman stood. she had a dishcloth on her shoulder and her curly hair was down.

"lunch is ready" she spoke. the two walked off of the board and walked towards the house. the woman turned on her heel and walked back inside the house.

"go take your seats. i already decked the table" the woman said and the girl pouted. "mama , you could've told me to help" she whined.

"i am perfectly fine to do it on my own , Alessandra" she spoke and flashed them both a smile.

"and please , can you stop letting your father fall to the ground? he'll break his back one of these days" she spoke and Alessandra snickered under her breath.

Mathieu Schiller walked inside , still in his attire. "i heard that" he told his wife. Arabella waved him off and walked towards the kitchen to get the beverages.

"i just put the staffs away. i have to say...you might just be better than me" Mathieu spoke and Alessandra had a smile on her lips. "i know"

he dramatically rolled his eyes at his daughter and Arabella walked back towards the table with the drinks.

"don't you think you two should've showered first before eating?" the woman asked with a raised brow and sat down at the table.

"no , we're going somewhere after this" he spoke and Arabella hummed in understanding.

the three of them took hands and closed their eyes , with Mathieu saying a prayer up.

as soon as they opened their eyes , they dug into their food. Alessandra let out a sigh of relief once the taste of the garlic bread fell on her tastebuds.

"are you ready for Barcelona?" Arabella asked, taking a sip from her red wine. Alessandra sighed. "i am but at the same time, i'm not" the curly haired girl answered truthfully.

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