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Cassius barely looked her in the face after that day.

They were sitting in the same carriage on the way to the Eastern Capital.

He kept his gaze on the letter he had been reading for the past two hours and Asteria squirmed in her seat, wishing there was a proper window. At least she was allowed to wear a uniform and not a gown.

"Stop fidgeting," he muttered, his face tightening.

"Stop ignoring me," she shot back before flushing when she realised how pathetic she sounded.

Cassius looked surprised as he looked up at her. "I thought that's what you wanted? To be left alone?"

She grimaced, hating the immediate burn in her eyes. "I'm lonely," she whispered to the empty seat across her.

Cassius flinched. "Why do you feel so?" he asked, returning his eyes to the letter.

"I'm in a world I don't know anything about," she said, with a sad smile. "I feel like a puppet on strings. Even Lex and Louis haven't been around. Soley doesn't enjoy my company. The only person I actually have a civil conversation with is Walter and I don't have a lot of his lessons. Even Ares and Lukas are busy with their new jobs. And you . . . you wouldn't even look at my face."

She sounded more pained on the last part that he turned to her again.

She met his eyes. "Why'd you ask for me to be your wife if you won't even look at me?"

It was his turn to look pained. "I didn't . . . I didn't mean to make you feel like that, Asteria."

She nodded, fiddling with her rings.

Cassius moved so that he was sitting next to her. He touched her face and she turned to him. He shook his head. "I've been so busy and caught up with work, Asteria. I never intended for you to feel like that."

"It doesn't matter," she said firmly. 

"But it does," he said, swallowing as his gloved hands found hers. "The last thing I ever want is to make you feel unwanted and alone."

"But?" she continued when she saw the conflict on his face.

"But I can't be near you and think properly," he breathed. 

Shock coloured her face, she leaned back to look at him properly. "What are you saying?"

He grimaced as though hurt and looked around the carriage they were in. "I had too much to drink before we went out, I apologise."

She tightened her fingers around his. "Promise you won't leave me alone?"

He met her gaze and nodded, leaning to kiss her forehead. 

This time, she let him. She even leaned her head onto his shoulder.

And he smiled. A haunted smile that showed he ached for something impossible.


When they finally reached the palace, Cassius shook her awake.

Asteria awoke with a start, looking around. 

"We're there," he mumbled, trying not to show how sore his shoulder was from not moving for so long.

They stopped in front of an old looking castle. Less flashy than the Northern one but no less beautiful.

Asteria, Sylvia and Zara were led to a vast chamber just inside the hall. 

Asteria changed into the outfit the maids picked out for her, put her bow on and accepted the thin, braided tiara they set on her head.

Cassius waited outside, his head rested on a stone wall and his eyes on the sky.

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