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The creator was in the process of splitting souls into two people and creating soulmates. It was a part of creation that was utterly dear to them. But their expression did not betray it. Their eyebrows were scrunched together in absolute concentration, the weight of responsibility weighing on their shoulders as they chose soul after soul and placed it next to its soulmate. There were uncountable empty slots in the ever moving empty discs, some meant for kin, some meant for kith, some for strangers one would meet in their lifetime. 

They had already written the destiny of all the souls. But placing them into those discs would seal their fate for the next thousand years. 

They worked in silence. 

When their beloved entered their chamber, they used all their restraint and did not look up. 

Their beloved smiled. They would often enter the creator's chambers and sit next to them asking questions, helping the creator in creating, blushing when the creator would call them the source of inspiration behind creation. The wordless communication that would occur when both would sit next to each other was enough to energize both. 

Today was no different. 

Both soaked in each other's feelings. They were feeling a similar kind of peace. 

Feeling the warmth emanating from their beloved, a grateful sigh escaped the creator's lips. And a soul slipped from their hands, falling into the dearest friend slot instead of the soulmate slot. 

A soundless cry from the creator made their beloved tear up. 

"I made a mistake. And two souls will have to pay its price. Even though they're made from the same substance and are in reality two halves of the same being, they'll have to spend a thousand years loving each other before being in love." 

The creator felt a hand on their shoulders, they took it, wishing they had more time to repent on their mistake. But they had business to do. Taking a deep breath, ruefully marveling at the peculiarity of love that gifted everyone an uncanny amount of tenderness towards their beloved, they started working again. 

Thousand Years | A Shubman Gill & Ishan Kishan Fanfiction ✓Where stories live. Discover now