Rodas and Abhik

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1239 AD, Puri

The full moon illuminated the surroundings. Anyone who would look at the temple from far would see around twenty candle-like silhouettes laced in silvery moonlight. Puri was sinking in slumber when they were working. Some worked with movements perfected with practice with their brows creased. Some were more fluid in their action. Every night, an identical silence would stun the temple. Gestures would be made whenever the need for communication was felt but no-one felt like speaking.

One reason behind this was sheer fatigue from the routine that started with sweeping the enormous courtyard, clearing it off the dead, dry leaves, and the petals that had been crushed by devotees' feet or had fallen while they were on their way to the assembly hall of the temple which would be followed by scrubbing the staircases and the floors where some devotees sat after offering prayers.

Most of the helpers worked during the day and cleaned the temple at night.

It was no surprise that a lot of them were eager to finish their duties and head home to rest and prepare themselves for the next morning.

Abhik and Rodas were different.

Each night when one silhouette after the other would leave the sandstone structure, they would be still there, sitting in their preferred place in the temple from where they could see all the deities.

"Do you know what Nimit was asking me this morning?" said Abhik, looking at Rodas with an eagerness that made Rodas smile. Nimit was Abhik's seven year old son. Like his father, he had an inquisitive temperament.

"Let me guess, he wants you to accompany you to the temple?"

"No. But close enough. He wanted to know why the creator made this world."

"Ah, I must say, your boy takes after you in asking questions but his questions are quite intellectual while yours used to be so....simple and non-complicated just like you."

A laugh escapes Abhik's throat, reverberating through the temple and coming back to rest beneath the crinkles of his eyes.

"What did you tell him?"

"I didn't have an immediate answer. I told him I would think about it and tell him tomorrow."

"Fair enough."

"I am still thinking. It could be an accident for all we know."

"Creating? An accident? You really think so?" Rodas laughed at Abhik's innocence as the latter shrugged.

"What do you think then inspired the creator?" Abhik tilted his head as he asked.

Now that it was his turn to contemplate, Rodas could understand the multifaceted nature of the question much better.

As he struggled to form words, Abhik laughed.

"Where did all your wisdom go now, Rodas? Did it flee with the bluebird? Or did someone rob you of your wits before you came here?" He said, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

"Okay okay, I accept that it's a difficult question to answer. No need to jest so much Abhik." Rodas tried to sound annoyed but the corners of his mouth, upturned, making him fail in his attempt at pretence.

The two sat there, now silent, looking around the temple as if searching for an answer.

Neither was aware of the passage of time for when the first ray of sunlight made its way in the temple, they were shocked.

They stood up and walked towards the entrance. As they descended the steps, Abhik looked up. A gleam of light fell in front of him and in a flash, he saw a visual of two boys enjoying fish curry.

It was over before he could register much. He shook his head, attributing the visual to his tiredness.

When he looked at Rodas, he found his friend was already looking at him, beaming.

"I know why the creator made this world, Abhik."


"So that we could experience joy, wonder, love. And friendship."

Abhik grinned.

"My intelligent friend." His voice held praise but his face held mischief that Rodas was well accustomed to.

"Hear, hear, if you dare give this answer to Nimit as your own...."

"I would never do that!" Abhik exclaimed, feigning hurt.

And the two burst out laughing.


Somewhere, the creator smiled, evidently pleased by their reasoning.

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