Sharvil and Viksya

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1712 AD Mayabunder, Andaman

Viksya diffidently looked around him, the foliage appeared to be the same he had passed some time ago. Clearly he had lost his way again. He crossed his hands and huffed in annoyance. Those damn butterflies had lured him into their trap through their fierce beauty and exotic colours.

But to think of it, he had a great time chasing them, giggling as they circled around him. At one point he was so lost in their gentle flight that he did not notice that he had taken a rocky path instead of the clear leaf laden path that originated from the settlements and as a consequence he tripped on a rock and fell on his face.

He was hurt and now beginning to feel frightened when a familiar voice called to him.

“Is that you Viksya? Don't tell me you are lost. Again?!” Viksya was as exasperated as the caller but he could not deny the immediate relief the familiarity brought and calmed his throbbing veins.

He examined the basket in the boy's hand and assumed that he was out in the wilderness to collect some food. A part of him chastised him, irritated at his childishness. But the part of him that revelled in his explorations answered,

“Yes it is me, Sharvil. Are you so tired by your daily chores that you cannot identify a familiar face?”

No, I certainly can identify a familiar face. A face that is badly bruised because its owner will not stop being immature!” Sharvil’s fingertips traced Viksya’s bruise and when Viksya winced, Sharvil had the urge to strangle him for his carelessness.

Why is it always you?” Viksya moaned in pain.

Believe me, I've been asking myself the same question every time I see you loitering around clueless. Don't you ever learn your lesson?”

What lesson, Sharvil? To be boring like you, you mean and never discover new paths?” Viksya’s eyes were heated but his face had a calm smile.

Sharvil let out a long sigh. “No, to accept that you are poor at navigation and take someone from your clan with you on your travels!”

That's not going to happen, I am a lone traveller and you should know that better than anyone.”

That I do. You are a stubborn, lone traveller who needs my assistance to get back to his settlement, every other day.”

The two boys looked at each other for a beat. The sun had touched the horizon, raising the temperature.

Sharvil motioned to Viksya, asking him to follow him and for once, Viksya did not protest.


I'm tired.” Viksya stated, abruptly stopping in the middle of the forest.

Are you serious? I'm the one who is sweating profusely yet I am not taking a break so that you can reach home and get those bruises treated but you are the one who stops walking!”

Viksya shrugged. He knew he was tired but he was aware that the reason why he had stopped walking was because he loved annoying Sharvil.

He loved seeing him riled up for his sake.

Viksya had five siblings. Three elder brothers and two younger sisters. His parents were more affectionate towards the firstborns and deep down Viksya felt neglected.

His adventures were explorations on the surface but deep down he wanted his parents to notice his absence. To care about him. Perhaps even show some signs of worry so that he can rest assured that they have not forgotten that they have a son named Viksya.

But everything he sought from his family, he found in this strange, irritatingly tall and lanky boy named Sharvil.

You know what, for helping you reach home I feel like asking a favour from you.”

Viksya snapped out of his musings as he looked up at Sharvil whose body was glistening with sweat.

Would you lick the sweat off my back, it's really bothering me…”

Viksya's eyes bulged at the question as he blurted, “I may get lost at times but you're the one who has lost his brains. You are extremely gross, Sharvil.”

Sharvil laughed, unable to hold the mirth anymore. He wouldn't admit it but he loved annoying Viksya.

They resumed walking in silence.

By the time they made it back to his house the sun had started setting.

Sharvil gave him a small smile as if to say goodbye and turned. Viksya stood there, stunned by Sharvil's generosity. Things had always the same between the two. Viksya would get lost. Somehow Sharvil would find him. He would help him navigate his way and leave.

But today, a small voice within Viksya urged him to stop Sharvil. And so he did.

Sharvil looked back, surprised. Running his hand through his jet black locks, Viksya asked, “You have walked a long way, Sharvil. Please eat something and replenish yourself before leaving.”

Sharvil fought a smile but then gave up, “Wow. Good to know that the lost one can be kind.”

Viksya rolled his eyes suppressing an anxious laugh. He had asked Sharvil but he did not know if his family had any food to spare. Sharvil was quick to notice his discomfort and said, “I picked berries from the forest. We can eat them.”

Viksya shook his head, “No, we can not. You picked them with effort, searching for what I am sure is the best. You may eat if you want to but I can't.”

What Sharvil said next solidified the soft corner the two boys had for each other, leaving a piece of their heart reserved for the other, forever.

I would rather share them with you.”

Examining the genuineness on Sharvil's face, Viksya felt like he belonged.

He had an island he belonged to.
A family he wanted to belong to.
But now he had been offered a friendship he could belong to.

Extending his hand to accept a mulberry from Sharvil's hands, Viksya experienced the joy of belongingness.

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