Uttama and Gopala

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1031 AD, the Arabian sea shore

Two eight year old boys were walking towards the sea with hearts filled with joy and stomachs filled with fish curry. The sun was shining bright in the sky, making Uttama's armband glisten. Gopala grinned at him, mischief shining in his eyes. He quickened his pace, eager to reach the sea before Uttama.

But that was not to be.

Young Uttama already towered over Gopala and was capable of covering large distances in a handful of steps. In no time, he caught up with Gopala.

They both reached the sea at the same time and now the game had turned to who would splash the water first on the other. Here as well, in movements synchronized to the bit, they splashed water on each other.

Gopala laughed with a thunder in his voice that contrasted with the sleepy stillness of their town, this afternoon. Uttama's laughter was silent. He had his hands on his stomach, which indicated that he couldn't control his glee and while experiencing pure joy, Uttama laughed without a sound.

The boys began swimming, starting a race, once again.

They had been like this since their birth. Inseparable and extremely competitive. But to date, neither had lost against the other, which was a topic of fondness in their families. Their fathers liked to think that their friendship had laid the foundation of Uttama and Gopala's camaraderie.

Little did they know, the foundations had been laid elsewhere, by someone who watched the two with remorse.


1056 AD

The vessels were bigger, spices were doubled and the fish was pickled. A new king had led them to prosperity and Gopala wanted to celebrate his reign with a feast. He had invited a hundred and seventeen guests. There was cheer in the air as conversation took different shapes. Gopala stood gazing at his guests. His bride's family was huddled in one part of his house, chattering happily, whereas his fellow merchants had a separate part of the house where they were laughing gaily and some of his old friends were sitting on the staircase with goblets in their hands filled with strawberry juice.

His bride informed him that dinner was ready to be served.

Gopala announced the same to the guests, inviting them to start serving. He spoke to everyone as they waited in line, one after the other, giving equal amounts of his time to them. But when he reached Uttama, he smiled, knowing that he was about to make an exception.

His smile faded as soon as Uttama turned to him. He had not seen him in a long time. To see how thin and fragile Uttama had become worried Gopala.

But being the good friend that he was, he decided to bring up the conversation of Uttama's wellbeing in private and proceeded to speak about other things of interest.

As they walked together, they reached the vessel with pickled fish. Gopala looked at Uttama in anticipation. He had made sure that there was some pickled fish because Uttama enjoyed the delicacy. He wanted his friend to feel welcomed and assured that even though years had passed, nothing had changed between the two. He had expected Uttama to be touched but he saw a different expression on his face. One of hunger. And profound sadness.

Leaning towards Gopala, Uttama whispered, "Haven't eaten fish for many moons now. Ever since the prices rose..." the words hang in the air. Uttama finds it difficult to swallow the lump in his throat and admit the harsh turn his life had taken. Gopala puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Eat, my dear Uttama. Forget everything for some time and let me give you a treat. Once everyone leaves, tell me everything."

And so, eating is what Uttama does. He allows the feast his friend has offered to soothe his taste palate and his heart.


1071 AD

Uttama felt as if someone had robbed him of all senses as he lay next to Gopala's lifeless body.

People around him were crying but Uttama could not shed a tear. His eyes were unfocused as he rubbed Gopala's feet, an unconscious gesture of trying to keep Gopala warm. Memories came back to him like the waves of Arabian Sea, hitting him in the core of his heart.

Gopala, his dearest friend with whom he had learnt the ways of life.

Gopala, his dearest friend who had helped him come out of his financial rut by recommending his crafted hands to a wealthy merchant's kin, giving Uttama an avenue to build his own sculptures.

Gopala, his dearest friend without whom the world was meaningless.

He brought his head close to Gopala's body and whispered,

"Goodbye, my friend."

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