Farid and Raheem

362 52 122

1631 AD, Agra

1631 AD

Dear Raheem,

I think it is going to take me some time to digest that I am in Agra and not Lahore, anymore. I miss you, even though it has only been three days since I last saw you. But don't worry, I remember your threats by heart to be as detailed in my narration as possible and trust me, I want myself in one piece, unharmed by your violent hands.

I know you were most curious about the work I was called for or rather “kidnapped” if we are to be dramatic like you, but I am extremely sorry, I am forbidden to tell you the details. I know, I know that I had promised and so here's a secret you'll have to make do with - I'm here to help build something for someone who loved someone very dearly.

I can see your annoyed face and hear you tsking but Raheem, trust me, this is the best I can do. Besides, being the romantic that you are, I am sure you will be proud of your dear friend who is going to partake in immortalising a love story.

And that brings me back to your second request. I remember your smirk when you had asked me to spend my first day here looking at girls and telling you about the most beautiful girl I saw. The one you might get to address as your sister-in-law.

There were plenty of pretty faces and most of them were veiled. And no, I did not find the love of my life. And I don't want to! Imagine falling in love in an unknown land! The agony of a slow romance will not suit your quick witted friend, you know that, don't you?

So stop dreaming about me falling in love and returning with a bride.

But I'm certain that while I am busy toiling here, you will find someone. Cannot wait to hear about her.


1631 AD

Dear Farid,

THAT is your idea of a detailed letter? Oh god! Have I taught you nothing? Where are my descriptions of the bazaars and the food and the place you're staying at. Who will tell me about the weather? The nighttime? The clothes?

You better make sure to include all of these in the next letter or else when you return, we'll have a wrestling match.

I miss you too. It's been nine days now but I feel like it's been a lifetime. Ammi made your favourite kheer yesterday and I cried while eating it. Almost told her to take it away but the smell of Kesar was too tempting to give up…

Anyways, where was I? Yes, so now the friend I have known since his birth and have practically seen him do the most embarrassing things is going to keep secrets from me? There's no justice in this world, isn't it?

But my Farid being surrounded by love is all I ever wanted so even though I am angry at you for being sneaky, I'll let it pass.

Keep looking my dear boy and I'm sure you will find her.

Trust your friend when he says that you will never have an opportunity like this again. Imagine, your family is in Lahore. No-one knows you in Agra. Can't you be a little scandalous for once? For my sake? Or do I have to take the burden of being reckless for the both of us?

Anyways, sorry to disappoint you but I haven't found anyone either. So you will have to wait, I guess.

Take care of yourself.

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