A walk to remember

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A/n - 'Taj Hukumat nahi chahiye mujhe, tere naam ka sahara kaafi hai'
-Daulat Shohrat (Original Mix) Kailash Kher


Winter, 2018 AD, Mohali

Shubman was making a list on his phone. The Under-19 Indian team had recently returned victorious from New Zealand with the World Cup. Shubman had always wanted to thank those involved in his journey with tangible things. He would, no doubt always shower them with intangible things whenever he could but he would often find himself itching to gift something personalised to these gems.

His list began with his father's name, next to which he had written, gold rimmed watch after a lot of thought. Lakhwinder Gill believed he had everything. And to decide a gift for someone who was so content with everything he owned would prove difficult for others but not his own son. Shubman remembered that when his father had accompanied him to the mall to buy a new suit for the BCCI awards night 2014-15, he happened to stop for a few moments in front of a shop, admiring a gold rimmed watch before taking Shubman to the desired shop.

The decision had been made then and there. The first time Shubman would win a tournament in the Indian jersey, he would buy that watch for his father with the prize money.

Shubman had already ordered the watch and it would be arriving in two days. He would then gift wrap it along with the necklace he had brought for his mother and the hair care products that would be arriving soon for Shahneel as well.

The list went on. It included his mentors from the sports fraternity, to whom he had decided to write a small letter and send it with flowers.

When the list took a turn, stepping into the zone of friendship, Ishan's name stared at Shubman and the latter smiled.

He was going to buy studs for his bestfriend. His bestfriend who had two sides to him. The enduring and evident goofy side that loved to pull Shubman's legs on any occasion he got and the other latent but omnipresent side that got frightened when the slightest of discomfort troubled Shubman. In order to honour both the sides, Shubman had decided to buy two pairs of studs.

He had planned everything to the bits. The India A team would be touring England in June and that will be when he would sneak out to buy the earrings for him. He was hoping he would like the collection, if not, he would patiently wait for the next tour. And the next. Until he was satisfied that the studs were of Ishan's liking.


Monsoon, 2018, Birmingham

Ishan was walking on the streets of Birmingham carrying an umbrella, praying that it doesn't rain. He was certain that wherever Shubman had disappeared, he had not carried an umbrella with him. And very few people apart from Ishan knew that Shubman was quick to catch a cold.

He had tried calling Shubman but Shubman was not picking up. Instead he kept sending a cryptic, "Can't talk now, sorry. I'll call you back soon." message.

Ishan felt annoyed at Shubman for he wasn't resting on the only available rest day! He should have been in the pool along with the team, refreshing himself but instead he (and thanks to him, Ishan) was loitering around England.

"Ishan?" He heard someone call, tentatively for the first time and then more urgently the second and third and fourth time until Ishan turned.

He recognised the voice instantly.

"Abey Gill, tu na" he warned, trying to sound threatening but his irritation evaporated when he saw how happy Shubman was. His smile was overflowing with a joy that even a golden retriever couldn't match.

Ishan was overwhelmed. Surely, a person couldn't be that happy to see him, right?

The sky thundered and raindrops started drizzling. Ishan opened the umbrella just as Shubman reached him.

"Where were you?" He asked, mentally adding that he was worried.

"You will know in a minute." Shubman answered, his sheepish grin intact. He looked around. The streets of Birmingham lacked the hustle that Indian streets had and Shubman couldn't be gladder.

He bent on his knees, extending a box to Ishan, as rain poured and people hurried around them.

Ishan knew that the box had a gift that would certainly not be a ring yet his heart raced on, elated beyond measure.

He tucked the umbrella under his right ear as he accepted the box.

Maybe it is the atmosphere, Shubman wondered, that was coaxing him to be cheesy. But little did the boy know that it was his soul.

"Ishan Kishan..." he said as Ishan opened the box, his eyes falling on the ring shaped stud and square shaped stud. He looked at Shubman, too stunned and dearly touched to give a verbal reaction.

"Thank you for being by my side, through everything." Shubman's words were as sincere as his face.

Ishan decided that it was about time that he used his favorite endearment for Shubman.

"Always welcome, meri Jaan." He answered.

The two boys walked to the hotel with Shubman holding the umbrella.

In that twenty minute long walk, they laughed, they smiled, they lived.

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