Mass Outbreak: Part Two!

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In the Alfronda Battle Hotel, A Trainer and a small group of Pokemon were playing a relaxing card game.

"Sorry Kiddo, But It looks like you lost this round," The Human of the group, Dishon, said as he placed the cards he held on the table, showing off four different Six cards and a single eight of spades.

"Four of a kind, I win," Dishon smiled as he moved to grab the bowl of snacks in the middle of the table and collect his winnings, only to find it unmoving as a purple psychic barrier surrounded it.

"Indeedee!" Dee the female Indeedee exclaimed with a wide smile on her face as she slammed her tiny paw on the table, showing off her cards.

A Ten of Hearts, A Jack of Hearts, A Queen of Hearts, A King of Hearts, and an Ace of Hearts.

A Royal Flush.

"Dammit..." Dishon whispered as he let go of the bowl filled with salted snacks and let the Winner of the game get her spoils.

"Salandit..." Fanny hissed from her stool next to Dishon, having already been disqualified from the game several rounds ago.

"Indeedee Dee!" Dee smiled at everyone as her ears glowed with purple light, and the snacks levitated out of the bowl and towards the other Pokemon at the table.

"Aww, That's nice. Thank's Dee." Dishon smiled at his Bosses Pokemon before taking a bite of a Crisp.

And as the small group of Pokemon and the Human ate their snacks in calm enjoyment, outside the city of Alfronda a different situation was taking place.


"Kirlia! Don't lose that Golbat!" Tulip yelled to Pokemon as she and her team ran through the small forest surrounding the Alfronda Ruins.

"Kirl!" Her Pokemon exclaimed as her body glowed white before teleporting forward, her speed matching that of the foreign Poison/Flying Pokemon.

"Gol~ BAT!" Seeing as the Psychic-trainer and her team were catching up and getting closer, the Foreign Pokemon flapped its wings, a series of razor-sharp blades of wind flying from it as it used the move Air Cutter. Cutting off the branches of the trees below it in an attempt to slow down Tulip.

But the Golbat's attempt was useless, as with a glow to his horns, Tulip's Farigiraf caught the wood in a psychic hold before throwing them all off to the side, clearing the way for his Trainer and Teammates.

"Tinka!" As the group chased the Golbat, passing by many of the Tinkatink overpopulating the Ruins, A Wild Tinkatuff jumped out of the bushes, metal hammer raised at the ready as it glowed with Steel-Type energy.

Only to then fly back into the bush with a cry as an explosive Shadow Ball hit her in the face, courtesy of Cleo the Flittle, "Tuff~"

"Kirlia Kirl!" Tulip clicked her tongue in annoyance as her Kirlia cried in alarm, watching as a sudden tailwind appeared behind the Golbat, speeding up its escape from the group.

"NO!" Tulip yelled in anger as the Golbat left the range of her Pokemon.

Only to widen her eyes as a silver ball slammed into the Golbat at high speeds and threw it down to the ground.

"Was that..." Tulip didn't finish that thought, as when she came up to where the Golbat fell down, she spotted Dendra, a healthy sheen of sweat on her brow, and an excited group of Falinks beside her,

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