Chapter 3: Love Me or Hate Me, Not Both

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As Edward proved to Oswald that Oswald loved Ed truly and deeply Oswald decided that he would tell Ed of his feelings for him but every time he tried he couldn't bring himself to say those three sweet innocent words. By the time he mustered the courage to tell Ed, it was too late he had found her.

Through Oswald's trying efforts he could not rid Edward's heart of this bookish vixen so eventually after she found out that Oswald loved Edward too he resorted to killing her.

But not just Oswald was trying to rid Edward of this woman but Edward's alter ego tried too. He even disguised himself as Kristen to turn Edward's love into guilt and drive her away but this girl would not give up so he sat by and hoped someone else would take care of her.

After Edward found out that Isabella's death was Oswald's doing because of his own selfish wants, before planning his revenge he told Oswald these simple words. "You're my best friend too, remember that." He told him those sweet words to illustrate the point that what they had was a true real friendship and Oswald destroyed that with his greedy wants. He couldn't just let Ed be happy, he had to have what he wanted. In the end before Edward killed Oswald he led one final trick on him before the end. Ed's intention behind this was to prove to Oswald that no matter what he would throw anyone in the way to protect himself but to Ed's surprise Oswald didn't do it. Ed was completely confused and in the end the two stood on the docks and as Oswald pleaded his final desperate words Edward's alter ego who had laid dormant for so long finally tried one final time before being engulfed into Edward's destructive rage to show Oswald that he loved him. Though the words before the gunshot were Edward's but that loving apologetic look in his eyes was all the alter ego. He tried so hard to tell Oswald that he didn't want to do this and that he was sorry that he couldn't do anything about it but as he watched the lifeless bleeding Oswald sink into the water he was engulfed in Ed's rage and those feelings, those internal tears were gone.

After Oswald was gone Edward and his alter ego sort of melted together mentally so they had a hard time telling each other apart. As the days lulled on Edward's pain of killing his only friend grew stronger and stronger. Some days he found himself wandering Oswald's home with a bottle of expensive liquor in hand. He sat in Oswald's closet looking through his clothes when suddenly he found a dress shirt of Oswald's, it was his favorite. The cuffs had purple umbrella's embroidered on them. Edward tore the shirt off the coat hanger and sat down with his back against the wall. He placed the shirt in his lap and took a large gulp from the bottle of liquor in hand. He winced from the strong bitter taste of alcohol. "Oh Oswald you always had exquisite taste in liquor, guess that's what being brought up in crime by Fish Mooney gets you." Said Edward as he took another gulp. "Oswald, honestly I-...I wish you were here." Said Edward as tears fell from his eyes as soft gentle sobs escaped his lips. He crumpled the fabric of the dress shirt as he brought his knees close to his chest and cradled the shirt in his arms. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry!" Edward cried out as he shook his head rapidly. "Why did I ever have to meet Isabella?! I was happy with just being with you, Oswald. I admired you! Hell I adored you! And I threw all of that away just because she reminded me of Miss Kringle.... Miss Kringle never appreciated me like you did Oswald, I shouldn't have ever met Isabella because if I didn't then we could've been happy together, just like you wanted." Said Edward as he took off his glasses and fell to the floor curled up on a ball then sudden he saw something glittering on the floor. Edward put back on his glasses and noticed a tin sticking out from under the rack of Oswald's shoes. Edward crawled over and pulled it out. He flipped it open and found it full of tiny white pills and a small folded up note. He unfolded the note and read it out loud. "Oswald, remember what these did to you back when you were with Will so please don't take them unless absolutely necessary." Said Edward as there was a date written next to Oswald's signature, this note was dated nearly 10 years before the two of them ever even met. "Who was Will?" Asked Edward as he blinked then stared at the pills. Suddenly Edward remembered something that at the time he thought nothing of but now was worrisome. He remembered hearing Oswald on the phone the night that Oswald was announced as the new mayor of Gotham. Oswald sounded scared which was never a tone he heard him take but as he spoke with whoever was on the other end he was assertive and quite aggressive though after he hung up that's where the fear kicked in. The person on the other line, Oswald called him Will and once Oswald hung up he was terrified of Will finding him. Before he had entered the room Oswald had talked with Gabe insisting that Gabe keep an eye out for a man named William Trot. Edward stared at these pills and wondered why Oswald even kept them then was quite curious what they did for him so Edward took one of the pills in his mouth and took a swig of the alcohol next to him. He took a breath then opened his eyes. He turned and saw a sea drenched Oswald standing in the doorway of the closet. "Oswald?!" Asked Edward as he jumped back.
"Sort of." Said the figment of Oswald as Edward looked down at the case of pills.
"These are hallucinogens... Why would Oswald have hallucinogenic drugs in his closet?" Asked Edward as he looked up at the figment standing before him.
"How should I know? I'm just a figment of your imagination." Said the hallucination of Oswald with a smile on his face.

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