Chapter 7: Gifts of the Mind

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Even though Edward had his ring and pinky finger on his right hand snapped in three places and a still healing deep tissue stab wound in his upper thigh, he still was taking care of Oswald because his condition was much worse than his own though he had ran into a bit of a problem with Oswald. "Oswald please just take them!" Edward begged as Oswald shoved Edward's hand away.
"I'm sorry Ed but I'm not a fan of being drugged, plus I feel perfectly fine." Said Oswald as Edward looked at him.
"Oswald just because you can handle the pain doesn't mean you don't need your pain medication." Said Edward as Oswald looked at him sternly.
"I said no Ed." Said Oswald as Edward sighed.
"Fine... I'm gonna go make some tea." Said Edward as he stood and walked over to the bedroom door. He opened the door and Olga stood on the other side holding a laundry basket.
"Is this bad time?" She asked as Edward shook his head.
"No please do what you need to." Said Edward as he allowed her in the room and left closing the door behind him. Oswald listened for a moment until he heard Ed go down the stairs then he doubled over in pain holding the entire right side of his head.
"Why not just take the pain pills if it hurts that bad?" Asked Olga as Oswald shook his head.
"I can't!" Said Oswald as he sighed. "If I take those damn pills they'll make me completely useless and I can't let anyone get to Ed like Will did. I won't allow my enemies the shot at the man I love just to get a rise out of me! So no matter how much pain I'm in I won't leave Ed vulnerable like that." Said Oswald as he sat back in bed feeling his bout of pain subside.

After Edward came back up with the tea he sat down with Oswald. "Do you need anything else?" Asked Edward as Oswald sighed and smiled.
"No, I'm fine Edward." Said Oswald as Edward smiled.
"Alright I'll be downstairs if you need me." Said Edward as he stood. Oswald lifted his tea cup and took a sip as he sat alone for a moment. Oswald reached over to the shelf under his nightstand and grabbed a book to keep himself busy. He read and sipped his tea until about an hour or so had passed he started having a hard time focusing on what he was reading. The words drifted across the pages and his head felt fuzzy. As the door to his bedroom opened and Edward stood there with a devilish smile.
"You drugged me you bastard!" Said Oswald as his eyelids felt heavy. As Edward walked over and sat next to him Oswald tried his hardest to fight the effect of the pills but his vision started to fade and blur.
"It's alright Oswald, just give in, it's better for you this way." Said Edward as he put his hand on Oswald's cheek. Edward leaned over him as his eyes closed and kissed Oswald's forehead. "Remember that I did this because I love you." Said Edward as Oswald slipped into an unconscious state and fell into a deep sleep.

Hours later Oswald woke from his sleep finding his bedroom dark. He rubbed his one eye because the other was under a patch and looked around finding his bed was empty so Ed was probably still awake. Oswald stood and went downstairs. He heard Edward talking probably to himself like he often did so as Oswald rounded the corner into the room he felt his blood boil. "ED! YOU AND I NEED TO TALK!" Oswald shouted as he rounded the corner but was stopped dead in his tracks. His anger with Edward was replaced by unbridled fear and shock. "Mother?! Father?!" Said Oswald as he backed away in total shock at the sight before him. In the parlor stood Edward with Oswald's parents who had both been dead for the past 3 years.
"Oswald are you alright?" Asked Edward as he walked over. "Oswald your shaking!" Said Edward as Oswald was having a hard time taking just a single breath but as Edward touched Oswald's shoulder Oswald gained enough mental fortitude to grab Edward's wrist and drag him into another room. "Oswald what are you doing!?" Edward demanded as Oswald began to pace then sat down.
"Ok I need to explain everything to me!" Said Oswald as Edward blinked.
"What do you mean?" Asked Edward as he seemed just as lost.
"My parents, Edward! They're not only alive but in the same room which are two things that just don't add up!" Said Oswald as Edward gained a worried look.
"I guess I shouldn't have given you those pills, they've got you all confused." Said Edward as he put his hand on Oswald's face but Oswald pulled away.
"How did you and I meet?!" Oswald demanded knowing that if his mother had never died he and Edward would never have even set foot in the same room let alone have the history that they do which would've led to them being together, without the history of death, regret, hatred, and betrayal the two of them would never value their love like they do now.
"Have you forgotten that too?" Asked Edward as Oswald sighed aggressively.
"Humor me, Ed!" Oswald growled as Edward nodded.
"Ok, we met once in the GCPD though you don't often reference that as our first meeting, what you typically remember as our first meeting is that I found you injured in the woods while I was burying Miss Kringle and knowing that if I left you there you would have bled out and died so I took you back to my apartment and nursed you back to health." Said Edward as Oswald huffed because that was not the answer he was looking for.
"Why was I in the woods?" Asked Oswald as Edward sighed.
"You told me that Galavan had held your mother hostage to make you do as he wanted but he let her go just to attempt to kill her in front of you." Said Edward as Oswald looked at him.
"Attempt?" Asked Oswald as Edward nodded.
"Yes, Galavan attempted to kill her but from what you told me in great detail, he let her out of the cell they were keeping her in and as you held her you saw Tabitha throw a knife and with quick thinking you took the blow for her. You were stabbed in the shoulder and as your men shot at Galavan and his sister you and your mother escaped." Said Edward as Oswald lost all of his confusion and was now heavily invested to know the difference between the world he fell asleep in and the one he woke up in.

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