Chapter 6: Secrets Enclosed

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"William Trot... I haven't heard that name in years." Said Oswald as his hands shook and Edward quickly grasped them.
"Oswald, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Said Edward as Oswald squeezed his hand.
"No it's alright Ed, I guess everyone who knew the truth is dead so it's about time someone who wasn't involved knew." Said Oswald as he sighed. "William Trot was my first love- no he wasn't, what we had wasn't love it was just some cruel game to him." Said Oswald as he scowled at the thought of this man.
"So is he dead?" Asked Edward as Oswald shook his head.
"No, I didn't have the heart to kill him back then but if I ever see him again I might." Said Oswald as he looked at Ed and smiled. "Do you know why I feel so lucky to have found you? Because my first boyfriend was an abusive ass." Said Oswald as Edward paused on the word abusive.
"Abusive?" Asked Edward as he had images of how much he had hurt Oswald in the past. "You don't think of me like that, do you?" Asked Edward as Oswald squeezed Edward's tightly.
"No of course not!" Said Oswald as he sat up in bed and put his hands on the sides of Edward's face. "I would never consider you to be abusive!" Said Oswald as Edward put his hands on Oswald's.
"But I've tried to kill you in the past! Don't you still hate me for the things I've done to you?" Asked Edward as Oswald shook his head.
"No, the moment you said that you loved me everything before became meaningless! You are everything to me Edward Nygma! If I ever hurt you I would never forgive myself and I know in my heart that you feel the same!" Said Oswald as Edward leaned forward and kissed Oswald very passionately.
"I love you Oswald Cobblepot, more than I ever loved anyone in my life." Said Edward as their foreheads were pressed together and their lips not even an inch apart as he spoke.
"I love you too, Edward Nygma." Said Oswald as they just held each other like that for a moment.

After a meeting with the doctor they went home but on the car ride back to the manor Oswald told Edward everything about his days with William Trot. "When I first met Will, I think I had just turned 21. I was picking up groceries with my mother and that's when I saw him. He was standing outside the store smoking a cigarette and our eyes met for only a brief moment but I guess that was enough time for me to grab his attention because later that night when I was helping my neighbor take out the trash, there he was again. He was standing outside his car and he called my name."

The next few segments are going to be narrated by Oswald.

"Oswald!" He spoke and I turned. "That's your name isn't it?" Asked Will as I stepped closer to him.
"Yes, do I know you?" I asked him as he took a long drag off his cigarette.
"No." He said as he exhaled a large puff of smoke. "But do you want to?" He asked as he turned and walked to the other side of his car. "Hop in." Said Will as he opened the driver side door but I just stood there apprehensive of this stranger. "Come on Baby I ain't gonna wait all night." He said and I don't know if it was his tone or the way he called me Baby but I got in that car. He took me to Fish Mooney's club, the first time I had ever set foot in that place. We drank and talked and smoked a little though I hadn't done that before so I was pretty terrible at it but he thought it was cute. After that we went up to the park at midnight and had the most thrilling night of my life at the time. He was my first actually and honestly looking back on it, the sex wasn't great but it was my first so what did I know. He took me home and I went and sat in the living room and thought about my night. That night was the first of many we spent together. I don't remember when it started but at one point I remember I tried to tell him no, that I wasn't in the mood but he pulled my hair and insisted that it didn't matter what I felt it only mattered what he felt. After that the pain he would inflict only got worse, he would hit me for saying things he didn't like to hear so I often kept my mouth shut around him but that night was when everything ended.

We were at Fish Mooney's club when suddenly Will he dashed behind the counter and broke into the cash register when no one was looking. He started stuffing bills in his pockets, when I asked him what he was doing he brandished a gun at me. "Start grabbing cash or get shot! Which one?" He asked as I started helping him, he had never threatened me like that before so I was terrified but I guess not enough to stay with him. We were running out the back and I stopped.
"Will, I can't do this anymore!" I said as he huffed.
"Too bad, Baby I was really having fun but I needed a patsy anyways." He said and then shot me in the knee. He got away and then Fish found me.

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