Chapter 5: Lover's Conquest

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Oswald and Edward laid side by side panting from their incredible last 2 hours together. "That was..." Said Oswald as he couldn't even come up with a word to describe what just happened.
"Magnificent!" Said Edward as he looked over at Oswald but remembered that he had taken his glasses off before all of this so he rolled over and plucked them off the nightstand then slid them on his face.
"I couldn't agree more." Said Oswald as Edward smiled. Oswald looked over and smiled at Edward though suddenly Edward gained a very worried look on his face.
"Oswald!" Said Edward as Oswald suddenly became worried.
"What?! What is it?" Asked Oswald as he sat up and saw in the mirror blood dripping from under the bandages over his eye. Oswald touched his cheek and saw the blood on his finger tips.
"I think we should call Lee." Said Edward as he rushed up but Oswald grabbed his hand.
"Ed, I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt!" Said Oswald as Edward stopped and looked at him with a very serious look.
"Oswald, it doesn't hurt because your running on adrenaline but once that wears off it will hurt and I'd like to have Lee here to make sure that what we just did was medically advisable." Said Edward as Oswald sighed.
"Fine, call Lee." Said Oswald as he got dressed while Edward called Lee then Edward got dressed as well.

After Lee showed up and removed the bandages she looked at Oswald's eye. "Well it's not severe, it looks like a blood vessel burst which typically isn't dangerous for a healthy eye but because yours is severely damaged it caused a lot more blood then usual and the high blood pressure as well from having sex." Said Lee as she then cleaned up the blood and rewrapped Oswald's eye.
"So what do you suggest?" Asked Oswald as Lee sighed.
"I know it's probably not what you want to hear but you need to keep your blood pressure down so avoid stress and physically exerting activities or else it could get dangerous." Said Lee as Oswald sighed then Edward placed his hand on Oswald's shoulder and squeezed a little in an assuring way so Oswald looked up at him. Edward gave him this soft gentle look, it was the same look that he gave Oswald when he said.
"Oswald, I would do anything for you."
That showed Oswald that Ed loved him so much that he would sacrifice his affectionate behavior if it meant not hurting the one he loved. "Don't worry, it won't be for too long. Bruce is getting in touch with some really good doctors from outside of Gotham, they'll be here within a couple days and hopefully after an evaluation, surgery, and adequate recovery time you'll be perfectly fine." Said Lee as she packed up what little supplies she brought with her.
"And how long will that take?" Asked Oswald as Lee wavered a bit.
"Anywhere from 6 to 9 weeks." Said Lee as Oswald nodded like he was trying to convince himself that this was all gonna be ok.

As time crawled on and they made more progress in getting Oswald's eye fixed, Oswald was having such a hard time coping with keeping his hands off Edward. One night the two were sitting down to dinner and Edward was talking but Oswald wasn't exactly listening. He was watching Edward's lips move and imagining kissing him and being intimate with him it was making his chest feel tight imagining such thoughts.
"Oswald?" Asked Edward as Oswald blinked.
"Yes?" Asked Oswald with a sort of caught look on his face.
"I take it you weren't listening to a word I said." Said Edward as Oswald laughed.
"No I was not." Said Oswald as he sighed. "You know, I was thinking why do we have to be completely off hands with each other-"
"Oswald!" Said Edward as Oswald huffed.
"Ed I miss you!" Said Oswald as Edward sighed.
"Oswald, I know it's tough but your surgery is in a few days after you're completely healed we can go back to the way things were, I promise." Said Edward as Oswald sighed. "I'm sorry Oswald but after everything I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you again." Said Edward as Oswald nodded.
"I understand Ed, it's just so hard." Said Oswald as he pushed the food around on his plate with his fork showing a discontent with the whole situation.

Oswald laid in bed that night laying next to Edward. "Ed." Said Oswald as he looked at him in the dim light that was given off by the lamp on Edward's nightstand.
"Yes Oswald?" Asked Edward as he smiled softly in a sort of sleepy kind of way.
"I'm a little nervous about tomorrow morning." Said Oswald as he took a shaky breath but Edward took his hand and kissed it.
"It's gonna be fine, I promise, Oswald." Said Edward as he rubbed his thumb against Oswald's knuckles.
"I've never had professional surgery before especially not for something so life or death, I've had bullets removed but that's about it." Said Oswald as he sighed.
"It's gonna be ok, Oswald I'll be by your side the whole time." Said Edward as he blinked a slow kind of blink then yawned. Edward rolled over and took off his glasses then he and Oswald curled up together and fell asleep.

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