Chapter 4: Love Slows Down Life

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After the one kiss they couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Oswald had invited Edward into his bedroom when Edward threw off his jacket and started tugging at Oswald's tie but then Oswald realized that this wasn't right. "Wait! What are we doing?" Asked Oswald as Ed blinked and loosened his tie.
"Do you really not know?" Asked Edward as Oswald rolled his eyes.
"No I mean, do we really want to be moving so fast?" Asked Oswald as Edward nodded.
"Right! I only just admitted these feelings. We're getting ahead of ourselves." Said Edward as he smiled.
"I'm sorry, it was all just so exciting." Said Oswald as he smiled as well.
"It really was." Said Edward as Oswald nodded. "Well I think I'm gonna head to bed." Said Edward as he stepped towards the door when suddenly Oswald grabbed his wrist and gently slid his fingers down Edward's palm, interlocking their fingers.
"Ed?" Asked Oswald as Edward turned his head slightly.
"Yes, Oswald?" Asked Edward softly.
"Just because we're not going to have sex doesn't mean we can't share my bed." Said Oswald as Edward smiled and stepped closer to Oswald wrapping his arms around Oswald's waist. Edward leaned down and kissed Oswald softly. The two then kicked their shoes off and since they had really nothing else to sleep in they curled up in bed cuddling together as they were. Oswald laid his head on Edward's chest listening to his heart beat steadily, calmly. The sweet sound of his newfound lover's calm heart beat was like a sweet lullaby to Oswald as he quickly fell asleep. Edward laid awake just long enough to know Oswald fell asleep before him but as he drifted into the sweet embrace of sleep he finally felt the voices of himself that screamed violently in his head finally quiet and the silence of the night caused him to finally relax knowing he was safe and loved.

The next morning Edward awoke to the smell of chemicals in the room. He blinked his eyes awake until the blurry image of the room filled his eyes though he quickly rectified that by reaching up onto the headboard and grabbing his glasses. As he slid his glasses onto his face his eyes adjusted and he saw Oswald sitting at the end of the bed at a vanity desk spraying his hair with hairspray. "Oswald?" Asked Edward as Oswald looked at him through the mirror.
"Sorry Ed, did I wake you?" Asked Oswald as he smiled.
"No just the smell." Said Edward as he crawled to the end of the bed and sat behind Oswald. "You know I don't think I've ever watched you do your hair." Said Edward as he got up from the bed and walked up behind Oswald sliding his hands around Oswald's midsection placing his head on Oswald's shoulder.
"Well it does take a lot of work, so I typically get up pretty early every morning to do it." Said Oswald as he tapped the tips off his hair with his finger tips testing if it was as stiff as he would like but then placed a small kiss on the side of Oswald's jaw which made Oswald blush so Edward gained a devilish grin which made Oswald's eye wide. "Ed don't-" Oswald tried to protest but Edward was ruthless as he started kissing his neck and side of his face erratically which made Oswald squeal! "Ed! Edward stop it! Ed! Ed stop it that tickles! Stop it!" Oswald squealed as Edward leaned back and threw Oswald onto the bed behind him. He pinned Oswald to the bed and smiled proudly. "Ed get off." Said Oswald as he put his hand on Ed's chest but Edward grabbed Oswald's wrist and brought his hand over his head.
"What if I don't?" Asked Edward as he smiled so Oswald took it as a challenge.
"Is that a challenge?" Asked Oswald in a greedy kind of tone as Edward smiled.
"I dare you to put me in my place." Said Edward as Oswald looked down.
"Well I do keep a weapon on me at all times but in this case I think eye for an eye works best." Said Oswald as Edward grinned then Oswald used his other hand and grabbed Ed's tie bringing him closer then he kissed Edward's neck and just above his collar bone because Ed's shirt was buttoned down a bit farther and his tie was heavily undone. As Oswald laid gentle kisses upon Ed his grip on Ed's tie stronger and Edward's grip on Oswald's wrist grew just as tight. If not for Oswald's phone ringing they might've jumped the gun on the waiting that they agreed about last night. The ringing brought the two of them back to reality long enough to remember that they both wanted to wait. Edward quickly got off of Oswald and Oswald crawled across the bed to get to his cellphone on the nightstand. "Hello?" Asked Oswald as he was panting a little from the quite heavy scene that had just occurred.
"Hey Oswald, I need you and Ed to come down to the GCPD, we need to chat." Said Jim over the phone as Oswald nodded.
"About what?" Asked Oswald as he was heavily hesitant to say yes what ever this was.
"Don't worry you're not in trouble, it's actually a good thing for you too." Said Jim as he hung up. Oswald sighed in anger and closed his flip phone then turned to Ed who still seemed to be processing what the hell just happened between them.
"Ed are you ok?" Asked Oswald who quickly recovered from the horrible bout of sexual tension that Ed was still just trying to process. Edward didn't exactly hear him the first time he asked because mentally he was replaying a hallucination in his head from when he was still denying his feelings for Oswald but his subconscious knew better. "Ed?" Asked Oswald once more as Edward blinked and let out a large shaky exhale.
"Yes?" Asked Edward as he was still processing.
"You poor thing." Said Oswald as he found Edward's first bout of gay panic to be rather adorable. Oswald held Edward's hand and rubbed his thumb across the top of it. "I'm sorry I'm doing this to you." Said Oswald as Edward sighed.
"No, it's alright, Oswald. Honestly I want to wait too but it's very hard." Said Edward as the laughed about the struggle.
"Yes, yes it is." Said Oswald as he sighed. "Well to get our minds off of all that, Jim wants to see us at the GCPD, he promises we're not in trouble, he says it's actually something good for us which is hard to believe." Said Oswald as Edward stood and nodded.
"Are you sure it's not a trap?" Asked Edward as Oswald scoffed.
"Jim couldn't trap us if he actually tried, I think he's actually being serious." Said Oswald as he stood.

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