Who confessed first.

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It couldve possibly been her but she was be very nervous about confessing

So it was you she'd flush with red but she would be hesitant to say anything until you begin thinking she doesn't like you back

When that happens she instantly goes like 'I-i l-like y-you too' and then covers her face


 It was her. She invited you to a tea party and then confessed.

Right after she suddenly flushed with red and began apologizing for that because she thought she sounded too desperate

You had to calm her down and then you said you like her back

After that you two had a tea party which served as a first date

(Note from creator: 'you dont like something, blame the character because i dont like him so i cant guarantee anything good')

He confessed on accident while teasing you.

When he realized it he ran off in embarrassment

He refused to come out of his room unless he was sure the cost is clear and youre not here

He would try to ignore you trying to get him to talk to you.

But that was until you exclaimed that you like him back and kicked his door and stormed off.

He quickly opened the door and would run after you.

I might make a oneshot out of that event, comment 'YES' if you want a one shot with jax x reader based on this chapter.


It was you. It came out of nowhere and it sure caught Zooble off guard. It took them some time to inspect how important this moment is, even Jax, who actually wanted to mess with you, quickly walked in the other direction seeing Zooble this puzzled.

After they realized it they pretended to still be puzzled, but instead they tried to think of something that would not make this weird.. since they didn't wanna break their annoyed/chill persona they just began looking at you.

You chose to repeat it to them and then they just muttered 'i like you two' and then Jax got it yall's way.

Though after that you both discussed it and decided to date so this is fine- righttt? This surely wont haunt Zooble for the rest of their existence


It was you who confessed.

It took him a while to react.. He screamed.

The rest was that he apologised and offered a date-sleepover at his pillow fortress 😀


He confessed and asked you out on a date.

You agreed and on the date he gave you flowers.

Your date was quite nice.

(Sorry for it being so short)

It was you.

Mmm yeah when you said you like her she burst into happy tears

but you thought it was sad tears and began apologising and blaming yourself for even thinking of saying anything

but after gangle said its fine, yall were fine and stuff- you decided to finally go on a date. hoorayyy!

(wow- 504 words?)

TADC x Reader (Headcanons and oneshot requests)Where stories live. Discover now