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You were a pessimistic person, basically the same thing that is up with Zooble. You both hated doing the same things, the theme songs annoyed you, the adventures annoyed you, Caine annoyed you, not to mention creeped you out. Being in the circus is just like being in a zoo. Everything is so bright and positive, no one would get it, since all of them act like each represent disorders. And it didn't help that Ragatha tried to be so positive about all of this, Jax would be so annoying literally all the time.

One time you got paired together, that was awkward since you tried to escape talking to each other, something about each other made you feel nervous. You two thought it is because you have no history or things in common with each other, even though that's a lie. The adventure was to find lilac stars around the place, as explained by Caine you have to touch the star to collect it. As you found one, both of you touched it at the same time, which had you touch hands for the slightest second before taking it off, resulting in the star turning pink for some reason and then disappearing.. THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN? You blush and just continue walking, not wishing to make any eye contact with Zooble after the thing that happened a moment ago. After that it didn't happen with any other stars since only one of you touched. Ever since the incident you tried to avoid talking even more.

Yet you got paired again for an adventure, this time it was trying to get to the exit of the labyrinth, you tried to avoid talking, but you ended up having to talk. When you didnt talk it was awkward, so you had to talk to each other. You began hoping they wouldn't remember that moment. But they did. Funny right? Not really, the conversation ended with just very awkward and quick apologies.. which came from you. After a lot of blabbering to each other which just sounded like awkward 'sorry' and self blame from you and *it's fine- really it's-*'es from Zooble, then after Zooble gave up with it you just kept on going. After a few seconds their patience burst.- IT'S FINE, I DON'T MIND ANYTHING BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!After you processed what you just heard (which did not take long) you blushed and Zooble too, Zooble looked away in embarrassment. - I like you tooYou said, then after that you kinda became closer and soon enough began dating.

(omg 434 words)

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