What your first date was like

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It was a cute sleepover

You ate some food, watched movies (preferably anything but horror movies since no one wants to make Pomni even more anxious than she already is)

And you (literally just you) pranked some people and Pomni, not liking the idea of pranking people just watched.

You fell asleep while cuddling with each other

It was a tea party

Yall gossiped and were talking about what was happening in the circus and stuff you could do later plus about Y/N and Ragatha's interests

Jax interrupted you though and you both yelled at him to get out. that's fun :3


Y'all had a movie night

Had some popcorn, some pizza and after some cookies

Cute thing is that y'all held hands every movie


The date was at his pillow fortress

Y'all had snacks and chats

You fell asleep cuddling with him


You and Zooble had a picnic

When the sun was setting you were watching the sky and holding hands and whatever Zooble has going on there

Then you enjoyed the night sky for a bit and then went back to the circus

Caine (oh jeez- oh my-)
He took you out on a date at that restaurant

Due to his research on what to bring on dates he brought you your favorite flowers!

I dont know what to put here-


The date was in gangle's room

You two watched some anime and drew stuff together :3

(219 words)

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