CHAPTER 9: Dark Mystique.

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Dr. Martini stood, her back ramrod straight, as a figure emerged from the shadows. A jolt of recognition shot through her, and she dipped into a respectful bow. The dim light cast an imposing silhouette, but the sharp angles of his jawline and the arrogant tilt of his head were unmistakable. It was Lord Maximus.

"I have a peculiar taste for both lifeblood and clean water," Lord Maximus said, his voice a low rumble interspersed with the persistent buzz from the elevator.

"Not a murderer, but a purveyor of retribution," he continued, his eyes gleaming with dark fire as they met hers. Dr. Martini felt a tremor run down her spine despite the heat radiating from his imposing form.

"I was approaching your office, my Lord," she uttered.

"I wasn't too soon, was I?" he studied her with a smirk.

"There was an indisputable connection between Zayn and the puppy," she countered, steering the conversation away from his cryptic statements.

"Shaque, is it?" Lord Maximus drawled, his eyes sweeping across her office before settling back on her.

"Indeed, my Lord," Dr. Martini confirmed, her voice regaining its composure. "While you seem to have gathered some information, Zayn has no memory of what happened before he arrived here. Any connection to the Butcher's Worm is highly unlikely." A faint frown creased her forehead as she watched him.

His jaw clenched, his gaze pinning her like a butterfly to a board. "The clothes he was wearing weren't his own," he stated coldly. "They belonged to a member of the Eclipse Legion."

He scoffed, a humorless sound. "This investigation has dragged on for months, Martini, yet the most puzzling aspect remains – he's an orphan with no known allies."

Dr. Martini's posture stiffened. "He left the orphanage a year ago, my Lord," she countered, her voice laced with a hint of steel. "You were kept informed of this investigation. There's no room for such speculation."

Lord Maximus leaned forward, his voice dangerously low. "Are you questioning my competence, Doctor?"

Dr. Martini met his gaze unflinchingly, her voice a low murmur that reverberated with an edge of dissent. "Simply stating a fact, my Lord. The boy has no connection to the Butcher's Worm."

A slow smile played on Lord Maximus' lips as he took her in, his eyes dwelling on her body for a noticeable moment before darting away. With a fluid stride, he crossed the room, each deliberate step seeming to shrink the distance between them.

He lowered himself into her chair, not with force, but with a confidence that spoke of ownership.

Dr. Martini seductively entered the room, her eyes locking with his for a brief moment before she schooled her expression into cool indifference.

They sat in a tense silence, a battle waged with narrowed eyes and clenched jaws. Finally, Lord Maximus leaned closer, his fiery eyes boring into hers. "Martini," he began, the name laced with a veiled threat. "He doesn't stand a chance against me, does he?" His voice, a low growl that vibrated in her chest.

"He's just a patient, my Lord, rehabilitation takes time," she explained evenly. "He even chose to name the puppy Shaque, completely oblivious to the situation, I assure you." A resolute nod punctuated her statement.

He chortled, "Let's see how adept he is at this little game," he said, his voice dripping with suspicion.

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