CHAPTER 52: Words Like Knives.

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The line crackled, and then Claudia's voice broke through. "I could be richer than you, but I can't work like you," she teased, her tone light and almost daring me to respond. After a pause, she added, "Oh, by the way, Griffin's party is in two weeks."

I stilled at the mention of Griffin, memories flooding back—his gaze lingering on me at Claudia's last birthday party, his awkward smiles, and shy attempts to flirt.

My grip on the phone tightened, my palm constricting as her questions danced too close to buried truths. Each word felt like a shovel digging deeper into secrets I'd sworn to keep hidden.

"I'm swamped right now," I muttered, the knot in my chest twisting tighter.

A laugh bubbled through the line, light yet piercing. "Busy, busy. You're always tied up. What kind of job keeps you locked away like that? Come on, take a break. Griffin's a good guy—you deserve some time to breathe."

My jaw tightened as I fixed my gaze on the wall, its dull surface blurring into a haze. She chatted on, laughter threading through her words, completely unaware of the chaos brewing within me.

"Maybe," I replied, forcing lightness into my voice. Yet in the pit of my stomach, freedom felt like a distant dream, tangled in the shadows that chased me.

I shook my head, a frown pulling at my lips. "I'm not in the mood for this. Besides, I'm busy."

"Seraphina, come on! A little time at this party won't hurt. Griffin adores you—he wants your love," her voice grew more insistent, the sound of my full name making my heart stutter unexpectedly.

"He's only after one thing—sex. I'm not interested." I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to comb through the chaos.

"Tell me you're not seeing other guys. Baby, you're not a virgin anymore—swapping fluids and all. Are you still new to this?"

"I..." I began, but she cut me off.

"Where are you? I could swing by, pick you up, and we could head over to the boys. Have some fun, get lost in your wetness. Maybe even a foursome—though I doubt Griffin would be into that. But who cares?" She spat out the words rapidly, not waiting for a reply.

"Claudia, will you let me speak for once?" My voice wavered, my eyes darting up to catch a glimpse of Lord Maximus closing in. His heavy steps silenced the chaotic thoughts swirling in my head. "I... I'll call you back," I whispered, hastily dropping the phone. It clattered against the table, the sound louder than my racing heartbeat.

I straightened in my chair, feigning calm, but my pulse betrayed me. Maximus stopped just inches from the table, his presence suffocating. I couldn't bring myself to look up—my gaze fixed on the wooden surface, as if it held the answers to my troubles.

With a flick of his hand, the guards faded from view, the door groaning shut behind them. Why hasn't he left yet? I was sure he was gone.

Lord Maximus leaned forward, his voice a velvet whisper that wrapped around me. "Who was that, Martini?"

I hesitated, fingers drumming a staccato against my lap. A bead of sweat traced down my philtrum as I shifted in my seat.

"A friend," I said, my tone sharp and clipped, my gaze sinking to the floor.

He eased into the chair across from me, a smirk curling at the edges of his mouth. "Still keeping friends, huh?"

I forced my face to stay neutral, though my heart hammered against my ribs. Why is he pushing this? His gaze pressed down, and unyielding, demanding more than I was willing to give.

"Martini, your Lord is speaking to you," he thundered, his breath warm against my skin as he leaned in. Gripping my chin, he forced my head up until our eyes met. The warmth of his touch against my chilled skin sent an unwanted shiver through me."

Not again. Don't pierce my chin this time, I pleaded silently.

"He's just a male friend... inviting me for a party." I muttered, my voice muffled under his grip. The lie slipped through, and I hoped it would sting just enough. In truth, I had no one—only Claudia, my sole connection to a past I couldn't touch anymore.

"Male?" he repeated, dragging the word out as if it tasted bitter.

"You're looking for a man to fuck you, huh?" His lips parted with a soft, mocking smack.

He laced his fingers together, veins stretching taut over his hands. "You'll be wearing blood on your hands then." I swallowed hard, struggling to catch the breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

His words coiled around me like smoke, low and smooth, yet piercing enough to cut into my skin. 'My horny little doctor...' He let go of my chin only to snap back with a sudden, bruising pressure.

I yanked my arm free. "What do you want from me? I never asked to be brought here!" The words tore from my throat, sharper than a blade, my chest heaving loudly enough for me to feel it in my ears.

His brow shot up, but I caught the flicker of something darker spreading across his face. Still, my pulse throbbed in my neck, refusing to back down. "Yes, I'm looking for a man. I'd like to be fucked by someone completely different from you." My lips curled into a sneer. "I wouldn't touch you even if I had my senses."

His eyes flashed, but I didn't flinch. His grip on control slipped, sending a sharp pain through my jaw, but I pushed harder.

"I'm not your wife," I hissed, heat burning in my chest. "That title means nothing when I'm near. This... this isn't what a wife deserves."

His grip tightened on my chin, pulling me up to meet his intense gaze. "You've grown brave, Martini,'" he sneered, shoving my chin away with enough force to sting. I winced, my fingers brushing the tender spot.

My eyes wavered, but my mind raced, struggling to grasp the gravity of what I'd just triggered. His eyes narrowed, a twisted smirk curling his lips. "So, you want to be fucked?" His voice dropped to a harsh growl, pulling my focus back to him.

I dared to look away, but his presence choked me. "I'll grant your wish," he murmured, his eyes blazing with intent. "But when I'm done, you won't just beg for pleasure—you'll crave the darkness that comes with it."

My brow furrowed, thoughts spiralling as he closed the gap. Suddenly, he hoisted me off the ground, my stomach slamming against his broad shoulder. The world tilted, my hair brushing against my flushed cheeks. "Where are you taking me?'" I squealed, the question slipping out in a trembling whisper.

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