The family band

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It's been a week since Tony started the family band, and so far the kids absolutely hated it, even Aaliyah hated it, her dad would have her and her siblings practice for hours and they never got play as much anymore, Beatrice noticed and it was starting to bother her
One morning the kids had woken up and got ready to practice and they were finally tired of it
They were practicing a song called "When i think of you" by Janet Jackson, Priscilla was tired of playing the drums and she finally spoke her mind during practice

"Um...excuse me, have you guys ever seen a girl play the drums!?" Priscilla shouted but the others continued to practice and the angered Priscilla

"UM...HELLO!! LISTEN TO ME GUYS!" after Priscilla shouted again she distracted Aaliyah and she messed up the song, everyone stopped playing and started arguing

"I hate this!" Selena complained

"Come on guys we have too or dad's gonna get mad" Whitney added

"I don't wanna do this, let's just bail" Ray said, then Tony walked in and all the kids noticed

"Why isn't there any music coming out of this room?" Tony asked in a serious voice

"Daddy, we've been talking and we wanna go out and play, not this kind of play, play as in run,climb the tree, play soccer!" Aaliyah explained

"You guys can play in one hour, right now we're gonna play feelings"

"Daddy! Feelings?"
"Uh-uh! No!"
"No way dad! Eww!"
"No! Please!" all the kids whined and complained

"Why not?" Tony asked

"The music you have us playing is old" Ray replied

"Yeah they are so over" Janet added

"We like stuff that's new" Whitney said

"Stuff that's happening" Aaliyah added

"Well then show me what's happening" Tony demanded
So the kids did, they did all kinds of crazy dance moves and just acted goofy

"Enough!" Tony jokingly said so the kids stopped and listened to their father

"All of that is too cool for me, play I Got Dreams by Otis Redding" Tony demanded

"Come on dad!" Ray complained

"Look guys, fifthteen minutes that's all I'm asking for, okay?" Tony asked the kids, finally they agreed and continued their practice session

"You know Bea here in Fort Worth there is a lot of restaurants here that are hiring" Tony added

"Hiring? No Tony, you have a job, steady job, and we just bought this house!" Beatrice exclaimed

"Look no, i'm not trying to quit my job"

"You're not thinking about us opening up a restaurant? Right?" Bea asked

"No, but think about people go to a restaurant and wanna hear good music and have a good time" Tony explained

"Music? So that's what this is all about, huh? Music?" Bea asked

"" Tony hesitated

"Ayy, Anthony! Never satisfied, always gotta be dreaming" Bea added

"Look it would be great for the kids, a little exposure would do them good" Tony explained
After that night Beatrice thought it would be okay for the kids to play in restaurants, as the months went by the kids were getting better but Tony had lost his job, his job had financial problems and they had to fire a lot of people and Tony was the first one to go, the Rivera family started to struggle, they had to get food stamps and towards the end they had to sell their home and move back to Beatrice home town in New Mexico

All the kids were in the car, they had a roomy 93 corolla station wagon so they were able to fit all the kids and also put their suitcases in the trunk, the Riveras were unable to take everything with them so they sold everything they couldn't take and what they couldn't sold they gave away and hit the road

"I don't wanna leave home" Aaliyah cried

"Me either, i mean do you know how many people live at Tio Diego house" Janet comment

"Kids are you guys ready?" Bea asked
All the kids nodded, Tony and Bea got in the car and left to new mexico

"Mama, do we have to go to Uncle Diego's house?" Whitney asked
It took eleven hours to get to gallup, new mexico when they arrived to Diego's they quickly got settled in
Diego had a nice house but he didn't have a lot of room since he had all of his kids and his wife and Beatrice parents were living there too
There was four bedrooms and two bathrooms, all of diego's kids shared a room, diego and his wife had a room, so did diego's parents, and the Rivera's shared a room the kids slept on the bed and Tony and Bea slept on the floor, all the adults shared a bathroom and all the kids shared a bathroom, it was hard but they made it work
All the kids went to school, Diego only had two daughters and two sons, Lydia, Sofia, Juan, and luis
they were the same age as Aaliyah
Aaliyah, Whitney,Ray, sofia, and juan all went to elementary and the rest were in middle school, Aaliyah and her siblings hated their new school because they would get bullied for not knowing spanish, they knew a little bit but not as much as they should
While the kids went to school, Bea and Tony would work, one day Tony decided to call an old friend of his

Tony: Hey Dre, it's me Anthony Rivera
Dre: Anthony? Man, it's been so long i thought you forgot about me
Tony: Nah, i could never forget you, look man i got news
Dre: What's up?
Tony: I started a band, with my kids and they're really good, my youngest, Aaliyah she's a natural performer she sings and dances from the heart, i was wondering if you could hook me up with gigs for them
Dre: Sure man, anything for you, i'll pull some strings and see what i can do
Tony: Thanks man, i'll talk to you soon

Tony knew what he was doing, he saw that his kids had talent and he wasn't gonna let them let it go to waste

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