A new life

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Even though the riveras were living with their uncle in new mexico they still practiced music they would go to a plaza and play music, since they were in mexico they practiced mexican\cumbia music they played a lot of Selena Quintanilla songs and Ritchie Valens too
Everyone in Mexico loved Selena, but sadly she passed away in 1995 she was killed by Yolonda Saldivar, her fan club president it was a huge loss in the Tejano business and lots of people also loved Ritchie Valens, he died in the 1960s he was only 17 years old and till this day he is still loved by millions
While the kids were practicing some people heard and watched them play started dancing to the music some people just watch and singed along with aaliyah
Tony and Bea noticed how everyone was watching and enjoying the kids play, as they were playing Ray kept messing up on the guitar, but that was because Priscilla didn't know how to stay on beat, after they were done everyone clapped and also booed them, and that kinda hurt all of the kids feelings

"Good job kids, i am so proud of y'all" bea said as she was hugging her kids

"Yep you all did great, but Ray come on man, you gotta keep"

"Dad we don't have good material and i keep getting the notes mixed up because of Priscilla, she doesn't know how to play the drums right" Ray said

"I'm trying, but it's really hard for me" Priscilla added

"Look you kids need to stop goofing off and start focusing on your music, look Ray if you don't like the songs we play then write some for us then since you're so smart" tony said with an attitude

"Maybe I will! I will write some songs!" Ray exclaimed

"Just stay on beat" tony replied sounding irritated

"Anthony, the kids did great"

"Look just-" as Tony was going to say something Bea cut him off

"Anthony! Anthony, the kids did great, Look kids why don't you pack up the equipment on the trailer and go get inside the car okay?"
So they did, Aaliyah looked at her parents before joining her siblings she looked at her parents with a concern look

"It's okay mija go on" bea sweetly said then aaliyah left and bea looked at anthony with an angry look
"What are you doing to the children anthony?"

"Look Beatrice the kids are good and they're gonna get better trust me"

"The kids are kids, they're children, we should be taking care of them not hurting them and Aaliyah, Whitney, Ray, all of them are still just little kids and if they do keep singing, still keep being a band you know the R&B business is all men you know that, Women are not successful in that era" Bea explained
and she was right not a lot of women have made it in the R&B music but Tony knew that with Aaliyah it was gonna be different

"Look Beatrice what your saying i understand, i do but Aaliyah is special, she has a fire in her, she's got it, i know it i can feel it, she's gonna out shine us all, she's gonna make it, plus i called Dre and he's gonna help the kids get more exposure" Tony said

"YOU WHAT!?" Beatrice shouted

"Look i know, but like i said the kids are talented and i don't want to see it go to waste"

"No! No im dismissing the band, it's done" Beatrice said sounding angry

"No baby please, let's talk it over with the kids, i mean we can get a lot of money for this, and if they say no then we can dismiss it but please let's try and give it a chance" bea thought about

"Tony i don't care about the money you know that, as long as the kids are taken care of i don't care, you promised that you weren't gonna pull this music career thing again, but this is your dream so i guess it's all gonna work out perfectly" then bea walked away from Tony and went to help the kids

"Beatrice" Tony called out but he knew that Bea was right but he was right about the kids talent
After the Riveras left the plaza they drove to this park to get some fresh air

"So kids, I know that after what happened at the plaza you're probably thinking we should quit, huh?" Tony said in a calm voice
All the kids nodded and sat next to their parents on a picnic table

"But you know all the famous people that are famous now had a their plaza moments too but that never stopped them, you guys are gonna make gold and platinum records, you are gonna play everywhere even Disney World"

"Disney World? Do you really think we can make it there?" Aaliyah asked, all of the kids looked to their father and Tony looked back at his children and gave them a soft smile, Beatrice looked over at the big beautiful fields and had a worried look on her face, she knew that her kids were talented and that worried her because she wanted her kids to live a normal life

"Yep and if you really want it then you gotta fight for it, okay? Now look, I called an old buddy of mine and he's gonna help you guys get set up for concerts and gigs, do you think you all will be up for the challenge? Do you believe that I can help you guys get to the big leagues?" all the kids gave out poor answers

"Yeah daddy i believe you, i know you won't break your promise" Aaliyah said to her dad with a big smile
Tony smiled at Aaliyah and kissed her forehead, so while they were at the park they talked about what kind of music they wanted to sing, Aaliyah really wanted to do R&B pop but her father thought she would be better just doing R&B, he thought maybe she should wait to do pop, as the months went by Aaliyah and her siblings got better and better and Dre made sure that he was there to help them

Aaliyah is now 16 years old and is very known now, her concerts are always sold out, when Aaliyah and her siblings were in mexico they blew up and Dre helped them get a good record deal, now they have aaliyah busy non-stop, they were finally able to move out of Mexico and got a nice house in San Antonio but this was just the beginning for The Riveras

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