New Term

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Turns out your aunt luckily didn't sign you up to be the principal's assistant. Even though it would've gotten you out of some classes you're pretty sure you wouldn't survive another meeting with Ms Sizemore's ass; your ribs still ache from yesterday.

Beatrice's car pulls up to the curb along with all the other huge cars dropping their kids off, and you're especially eager to get out even though you know the school won't be much better. She served twelve bean casserole for dinner last night and she's been hotboxing the car on the entire way here, not to mention you could barely sleep last night thanks to her night farts rumbling through the walls.

"Here we are!" PPPPHHHHHEEEEEEERRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT She says cheerfully, still completely oblivious to her horrific emissions. The moment the car stops your scramble for the door handle but just as you open the door a large hand rests on your shoulder to stop you. "Hold on you, don't I get a kiss goodbye?"

You cringe at the thought of kissing her greasy cheeks but it doesn't seem she's going to let you go otherwise. She turns her cheek to you and you hesitantly lean in to kiss it, after the wiping the horrid taste from your lips she kisses yours. Before you know it your aunt has picked you up in a bearhug like at the airport but somehow tighter. The pressure must have upset her gut.


"Have a good day at school hun," she says in a dangerously flirtatious voice once she's satisfied and frees you, licking the spit from her thick lips. Your entire face is covered in her slobber. "I'll be here for you at the end of the day." At this point your rather walk than experience that every morning. Almost completely speechless you mutter a "thanks" and get out of her car with even more urgency than before just as another FFFFRRRRRRRSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH follows you out the door.

Wiping down your face with your shirt and trying to shake off your shock you walk to the front doors of the massive school building along with all the other students ten times your size. The whole place stinks of the sweat and farts of hundreds of girls; looks like you'll just have to get used to it. You notice a lot of the fat girls smiling at you when they go past whenever you bother to look up that high. Between all of them you do spot a few skinny kids like yourself, but as far as you can tell they're in the single digits.

As you walk through the massive halls you realize everyone here has about as much self awareness as your aunt and the principal. You see students unabashedly reaching down their pants to adjust their junk or scratch their ass even while talking with their friends; if they came back up with something on their hands they wouldn't hesitate to wipe it on their clothes like it's nothing, disregarding the massive brown streaks they often left. The sound of passing gas through both ends is a regular part of the hallway noise, almost comically so.

Wanting to escape the noise and hopefully the smell, and since you have nobody to talk to, you decide to head straight for your first class, which according to your schedule is...Science.

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