Field Trip

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"So, as most of you know, we're having out BOUUURRAAAPPP field trip today!" Thiccsberg belches excitedly. "There's still a few nice summer-y days left, so I thought we'd take a field trip to the beach for our marine biology chapter." Looking shiftily from side to side, she says in a lower voice, "We're really just gonna go relax, but if anybody asks tell them we're studying, like, sand or something." The whole class laughs at this.

"Uhh, Ms Thiccsberg, should I have had a permission slip or something for this?" you ask, realising you never filled one out. Maybe you can avoid having to be around all these fatties for a whole class?

"AhhURRRRRRPPPP, don't worry about it. Nobody'll know, I don't care." The teacher waves her hand dismissively and shakes her head. "The bus should be here soon so if you need to hit the bathroom I suggest doing that before we leave because it's gonna be a long drive." Immediately the room is filled with the sounds of desk legs scraping on linoleum as all the girls get up to rush to the bathroom. Even though the desks are bigger many of them still struggle to get out them due to their huge bellies.

The girl in front of you stands up while her desk still has a firm grip on her midsection, and in the process of trying to wriggle out of it she manages to pull her low riding shorts even lower on her ass while forced into a bent over position. You want to get out of your seat so you don't have to look at this, but the crowd of girls rushing out the door has created a traffic jam right next to your desk. This gives you no room to escape as an enormous wet start blasts out of the girl's was, no longer filtered by her clothes.


You're utterly mortified at bits of brown liquid shit spew from her asscrack all over your desk and even your clothes. Only then does there become an opening for you to escape through. You jump out of your seat just in time to avoid another anal discharge from the girl, this time a lot less fart and a lot more shit.


A fire hydrant force blast of diarrhea sprays all over your empty desk and the one behind it, painting them both chunky brown. Her asshole continues spewing sewage until she pulls up her pants, and you quickly see a large wet brown spot appear on the back of then as she continue shitting in her pants. Neither she nor anybody else in the class seem to think anything of this. Considering how many butts you're surrounded by, you rush to the bathroom to clean up quickly then out to the bus before any more mishaps can occur.

You're the first one to arrive outside; if that one girl's bowel problems were any indication you're sure all the girls are going to be in the bathroom for quite some time. A large school bus the size of an RV is parked by the curb waiting for you class, and as you approach it the doors swing open with a hiss. The gigantic bus driver smiles down at you as you climb the huge steps; you wonder how she'll even be able to steer with her belly almost pressed against the steering wheel.

"Mornin' hun," she greets you. "Looks like you got the whole place to yourself."

"Yeah, guess so." You're about to go find a seat when something strange catches your eye. Maybe it was just your imagination but you swear you saw a hand print bulge out from the bus driver's stomach. Suddenly it happens again, more defined this time so you're certain it is a hand. Then that becomes two hands, and between them is the haunting imprint of a human face, like Han Solo trapped in carbonite. Did this lady... eat somebody?!

The bus driver notices you staring at her gut and just laughs. "Oh, don't you worry about that," she assures you, patting her flabby belly. "Sometimes breakfast just doesn't agree with ya, ya know? Especially when it forgets the rules about missing the last stop," she says sternly to her belly before turning back to you. "Always remember hun, don't fall asleep on the bus. Ya might end up somewhere ya really didn't wanna be." Her belly groans loudly and you start trying to inch away from her.

"That's... good advice, thanks," you say almost breathlessly, a distinct chill running down your spine as you come to terms with the implications of this situation. You don't know if you'll be able to even sleep in your own bed tonight after seeing this. You knew people in this town were big enough to maybe joke that they would eat people, but you didn't think they'd actually do that.

You find a seat somewhere far in the back of the bus, away from the crazy cannibal bus driver, and pull out your phone waiting for the stampede of your fat classmates. Instead the next person you hear get on turns out to be a skinny person like you. She spots you peeking around the side of the seat at her and walks back to meet you.

"Hey, can I sit here?" she asks. "I didn't know there was another normal kid in this class." She's actually pretty cute, but she looks a mess. Her blond hair is frazzled and in desperate need of brushing, she's not wearing any makeup, and her clothes look like they were thrown on moments before she walked out the door. You scoot over to allow her in, even though the seats are big enough to seat six of you. "I'm Michelle by the way. I'm kinda new. Are you new too?"

"Yeah, I'm Aaron, I just started today. Wait, was that you that the one girl was...?" You think back to the pair of arms you saw under Isabella's butt.

"Sitting on? Yeah, that fat bitch Isabella has done that every fucking day since I started here" Michelle says bitterly. "I was lucky I managed to get away from her today, she was about to drag me into the bathroom with her and..." She shudders. "I don't wanna think about that."

"Jesus, can't you like tell somebody about that?" you ask. You can't believe something like that could go on in a school.

"I can't, she's my mom's boss's daughter; if I step too far outta line she can get my mom fired like that," she explains with a snap of her fingers. "And even if I could, good fucking luck finding somebody who gives a shit. This whole town is out to get us!"

"What do you mean 'us'?"

"Skinny people! Healthy people!" Michelle rants. "All anybody here cares about is being fat and disgusting, and they have no problem tossing out anybody under three hundred pounds like a fucking candy wrapper!"

At first this girl came across as a bit of a conspiracy theorist but the more she talks the more you start to think she's right. "I mean, so far everyone's been really nice to me," you tell her, "It seems like girls here really like me for some reason."

"Well let's be honest, you're pretty cute. That and they're hardly any boys here to begin with. But that niceness, it's all an act. At least half of them wanna torture you."

"What do you mean there's hardly any boys here?"

"I don't know genetics or something." 

"There's gotta be some nice people here though, right? Not everybody can be out to get you."

"If there are, I haven't met them. And even then, their ideas of being 'nice' are fucked up too. We're talking about people who are proud of how big of a shit they take, who think getting fatter and smelling like a dumpster make you more beautiful, These people aren't normal."

"So then how have you, like, survived?" you ask.

"Alright look, here's the things I've learned." By now other students are starting to board the bus, so Michelle lowers her voice. "One, never use a public bathroom; they're never cleaned, like ever, and even though they don't use toilet paper they'll love to use you. Two, and this is the big one, stay far, far away from their asses. One way or another you're gonna get sat on, or worse. You saw how Thiccsberg is."

"I've already learned that last one the hard way. I got sat on by the principal when I met her yesterday."

"Oooh, ouch," Michelle winces. "Well look, us skinny people should stick together--"


While the two of you are busy talking a massive ass suddenly slams itself down on top of Michelle, knocking you toward the wall in the process. You can only hear her muffled yelling and cursing from beneath the thick hills of flesh, and when you look up you see the ass belongs to the same Latina from earlier

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